Проект:Математика/Списки/Список терминов, относящихся к алгоритмам и структурам данных
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Словарь алгоритмов и структур данных (англ.) — это справочник, который поддерживается Национальным институтом стандартов и технологии США.
В нём определяется большое количество терминов, относящихся к алгоритмам и структурам данных. Для алгоритмов и структур данных, не указанных здесь, смотрите список алгоритмов и список структур данных.
Содержание: Наверх — 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
править- cactus stack
- Calculus of Communicating Systems
- calendar queue
- candidate consistency testing
- candidate verification
- canonical complexity class
- capacitated facility location
- capacity
- capacity constraint
- Декартово дерево — cartesian tree
- cascade merge sort
- caverphone
- Cayley-Purser
- C curve
- cell probe model
- cell tree
- cellular automaton
- centroid
- certificate
- chain
- chaining
- child
- Chinese postman problem
- Chinese remainder theorem
- Christofides algorithm
- Christofides heuristic
- chromatic index
- chromatic number
- Church-Turing thesis
- circuit
- circuit complexity
- circuit value problem
- circular list
- circular queue
- clique
- clique problem
- clustering
- clustering free
- coalesced hashing
- coarsening
- cocktail shaker sort
- codeword
- coding tree
- collective recursion
- collision
- collision resolution scheme
- Colussi
- combination
- comb sort
- Communicating Sequential Processes
- commutative
- compact DAWG
- compact trie
- comparison sort
- competitive analysis
- competitive ratio
- complement
- complete binary tree
- complete graph
- completely connected graph
- complete tree
- complexity
- complexity class
- computable
- concave function
- concurrent flow
- concurrent read, concurrent write
- concurrent read, exclusive write
- configuration
- confluently persistent data structure
- conjunction
- connected components
- connected graph
- co-NP
- constant function
- continuous knapsack problem
- Cook reduction
- Cook's theorem
- counting sort
- covering
- Crew (algorithm)
- critical path problem
- cuckoo hashing
- cut
- cutting plane
- cutting stock problem
- cutting theorem
- cut vertex
- cycle
- cyclic redundancy check
править- D-adjacent
- DAG (Направленный ациклический граф)
- DAG shortest paths
- data structure
- decidable
- decidable language
- decimation
- decision problem
- decision tree (дерево принятия решений)
- decomposable searching problem
- degree
- dense graph
- depoissonization
- depth
- depth-first search
- deque
- derangement
- descendant
- deterministic
- deterministic algorithm
- deterministic finite automata string search
- детерминированный конечный автомат
- deterministic finite state machine
- deterministic finite tree automaton
- deterministic pushdown automaton
- deterministic tree automaton
- Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm
- DFS forest
- diagonalization
- diameter
- dichotomic search
- dictionary
- diet (see discrete interval encoding tree below)
- difference
- digital search tree
- digital tree
- digraph
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- diminishing increment sort
- dining philosophers
- direct chaining hashing
- directed acyclic graph
- directed acyclic word graph
- directed graph
- discrete interval encoding tree
- discrete p-center
- disjoint set
- disjunction
- distributional complexity
- distribution sort
- divide and conquer
- divide and marriage before conquest
- division method
- domain
- don't care
- Doomsday rule
- double-direction bubble sort
- double-ended priority queue
- double hashing
- double left rotation
- double metaphone
- double right rotation
- doubly-chained tree
- doubly-ended queue
- doubly linked list
- Dragon curve
- dual
- dual linear program
- Dutch national flag
- dyadic tree
- dynamic
- dynamic array
- dynamic hashing
- dynamic programming
- dynamization transformation
править- edge
- edge coloring
- edge connectivity
- edge crossing
- edge-weighted graph
- edit distance
- edit operation
- edit script
- efficiency
- 8 queens
- elastic-bucket trie
- element uniqueness
- end-of-string
- enfilade
- Euclidean algorithm
- Euclidean distance
- Euclidean Steiner tree
- Euclidean traveling salesman problem
- Euclid's algorithm
- Euler cycle
- Eulerian graph
- Eulerian path
- exact string matching
- exchange sort
- exclusive or
- exclusive read, concurrent write
- exclusive read, exclusive write
- exhaustive search
- existential state
- expandable hashing
- expander graph
- exponential
- extended binary tree
- extended Euclid's algorithm
- extended k-d tree
- extendible hashing
- external index
- external memory algorithm
- external memory data structure
- external merge
- external merge sort
- external node
- external quicksort
- external radix sort
- external sort
- extrapolation search
- extremal
- extreme point
править- facility location
- factor
- factorial
- fast fourier transform
- fathoming
- feasible region
- feasible solution
- feedback edge set
- feedback vertex set
- Ferguson-Forcade algorithm
- Fibonacci number
- Fibonacci search
- Fibonacci tree
- Fibonacci heap
- filial-heir chain
- Find
- find kth least element
- finitary tree
- finite Fourier transform
- finite state automaton
- finite state machine
- finite state machine minimization
- finite state transducer
- first child-next sibling binary tree
- first come, first served
- first-in, first-out
- fixed-grid method
- flash sort
- flow
- flow conservation
- flow function
- flow network
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm
- Ford-Bellman
- Ford-Fulkerson method
- forest
- forest editing problem
- formal language
- formal methods
- formal verification
- forward index
- fractal
- fractional knapsack problem
- fractional solution
- free edge
- free list
- free tree
- free vertex
- frequency count heuristic
- full array
- full binary tree
- full inverted index
- fully dynamic graph problem
- fully persistent data structure
- fully polynomial approximation scheme
- function (programming)
- function (mathematics)
- functional data structure
править- Galil-Giancarlo
- Galil-Seiferas
- gamma function
- GBD-tree
- geometric optimization problem
- global optimum
- gnome sort
- goobi
- graph
- graph coloring
- graph concentration
- graph drawing
- graph isomorphism
- graph partition
- Gray code
- greatest common divisor
- greedy algorithm
- greedy heuristic
- grid drawing
- grid file
- Grover's algorithm
править- Hamiltonian cycle
- Hamiltonian path
- Hamming distance
- hash function
- hash heap
- hash table
- hash table delete
- Hausdorff distance
- hB-tree
- head
- heap
- heapify
- heap property
- heapsort
- heaviest common subsequence
- height
- height-balanced binary search tree
- height-balanced tree
- Herter-Heighway Dragon
- heuristic
- hidden Markov model
- highest common factor
- Hilbert curve
- histogram sort
- homeomorphic
- horizontal visibility map
- Horner's rule
- Horspool
- Huffman encoding
- Hungarian algorithm
- hybrid algorithm
- hyperedge
- hypergraph
править- ID
- ideal merge
- implication
- implies
- in-branching
- inclusion-exclusion principle
- inclusive or
- incompressible string
- in-degree
- independent set
- index file
- information theoretic bound
- in-order traversal
- in-place sort
- insertion sort
- instantaneous description
- integer linear program
- integer multi-commodity flow
- integer polyhedron
- interactive proof system
- interior-based representation
- internal node
- internal sort
- interpolation search
- interpolation-sequential search
- interpolation sort
- intersection
- interval tree
- intractable
- introsort
- introspective sort
- inverse Ackermann function
- inverted file index
- inverted index
- irreflexive
- isomorphic
- iteration
править- Karmarkar's algorithm
- Karnaugh map
- Karp-Rabin
- Karp reduction
- k-ary heap
- k-ary Huffman encoding
- k-ary tree
- k-clustering
- k-coloring
- k-connected graph
- k-d-B-tree
- k-dimensional
- K-dominant match
- k-d tree
- key
- KmpSkip Search
- knapsack problem
- knight's tour
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
- Königsberg bridges problem
- Kolmogorov complexity
- Kraft's inequality
- Kripke structure
- Kruskal's algorithm
- kth order Fibonacci numbers
- kth shortest path
- kth smallest element
- KV diagram
- k-way merge
- k-way merge sort
- k-way tree
править- labeled graph
- language
- last-in, first-out
- Las Vegas algorithm
- lattice
- layered graph
- leaf
- least common multiple
- leftist tree
- left rotation
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch
- level-order traversal
- Levenshtein distance
- lexicographical order
- linear
- linear congruential generator
- linear hash
- linear insertion sort
- linear order
- linear probing
- linear probing sort
- linear product
- linear program
- linear quadtree
- linear search
- link
- linked list
- list
- list contraction
- little-o notation
- Lm distance
- load factor
- local alignment
- local optimum
- logarithm, logarithmic scale
- longest common subsequence
- longest common substring
- Lotka's law
- lower bound
- lower triangular matrix
- lowest common ancestor
- l-reduction
- lucky sort
править- Malhotra-Kumar-Maheshwari blocking flow
- Manhattan distance
- many-one reduction
- Markov chain
- Marlena
- marriage problem
- Master theorem
- matched edge
- matched vertex
- matching
- matrix
- matrix-chain multiplication problem
- max-heap property
- maximal independent set
- maximally connected component
- Maximal Shift
- maximum bipartite matching
- maximum-flow problem
- Mealy machine
- mean
- median
- meld (структуры данных)
- memoization
- merge
- merge sort
- meromorphic function
- metaheuristic
- metaphone
- midrange
- Miller-Rabin
- min-heap property
- minimal perfect hashing
- minimum bounding box
- minimum cut
- minimum path cover
- minimum spanning tree (Минимальное покрывающее дерево)
- minimum vertex cut
- mixed integer linear program
- mode
- model checking
- model of computation
- moderately exponential
- monotone priority queue
- monotonically decreasing
- monotonically increasing
- Monte Carlo algorithm
- Moore machine
- Morris-Pratt
- move
- move-to-front heuristic
- move-to-root heuristic
- multi-commodity flow
- multigraph
- multilayer grid file
- multiplication method
- multiprefix
- multiprocessor model
- multiset
- multi suffix tree
- multiway decision
- multiway merge
- multiway search tree
- multiway tree
- Munkres' assignment algorithm
править- naive string search
- nand
- n-ary function
- NC
- NC many-one reducibility
- nearest neighbor
- negation
- network flow
- network flow problem
- next state
- node
- nonbalanced merge
- nonbalanced merge sort
- nondeterministic
- nondeterministic algorithm
- nondeterministic finite automaton
- nondeterministic finite state machine
- nondeterministic finite tree automaton
- nondeterministic polynomial time
- nondeterministic tree automaton
- nondeterministic Turing machine
- nonterminal node
- nor
- not
- Not So Naive
- NP
- NP-complete
- NP-complete language
- NP-hard
- n queens
- nullary function
- null tree
- NULL (Си)
править- OBDD
- objective function
- occurrence
- octree
- off-line algorithm
- offset
- omega
- omicron
- one-based indexing
- one-dimensional
- online algorithm
- open addressing
- optimal
- optimal cost
- optimal hashing
- optimal merge
- optimal mismatch
- optimal polygon triangulation problem
- optimal polyphase merge
- optimal polyphase merge sort
- optimal solution
- optimal triangulation problem
- optimal value
- optimization problem
- or
- oracle set
- oracle tape
- oracle Turing machine
- order
- ordered array
- ordered binary decision diagram (упорядоченная бинарная диаграмма решений)
- ordered linked list
- ordered tree
- order preserving hash
- order preserving minimal perfect hashing
- oriented acyclic graph
- oriented graph
- oriented tree
- orthogonal drawing
- orthogonal lists
- orthogonally convex rectilinear polygon
- oscillating merge sort
- out-branching
- out-degree
- overlapping subproblems
править- Проблема зависания
- packing
- padding argument
- pagoda
- pairing heap
- parallel computation thesis
- parallel prefix computation
- parallel random-access machine
- parametric searching
- parent
- partial function
- partially decidable problem
- partially dynamic graph problem
- partially ordered set
- partially persistent data structure
- partial order
- partial recursive function
- partition
- passive data structure
- patience sorting
- path
- path cover
- path system problem
- Patricia tree
- pattern
- pattern element
- P-complete
- Peano curve
- Pearson's hash
- perfect binary tree
- perfect hashing
- perfect k-ary tree
- perfect matching
- perfect shuffle
- performance guarantee
- performance ratio
- permutation
- persistent data structure
- phonetic coding
- pile
- pipelined divide and conquer
- planar graph
- planarization
- planar straight-line graph
- PLOP-hashing
- point access method
- pointer jumping
- pointer machine
- poissonization
- polychotomy
- polyhedron
- polylogarithmic
- polynomial
- polynomial approximation scheme
- polynomial hierarchy
- polynomial time
- polynomial-time Church-Turing thesis
- polynomial-time reduction
- polyphase merge
- polyphase merge sort
- polytope
- poset
- postfix traversal
- Post machine
- postman's sort
- postorder traversal
- Post's correspondence problem
- potential function
- predicate
- prefix
- prefix code
- prefix computation
- prefix sums
- prefix traversal
- preorder traversal
- primary clustering
- primitive recursive
- Prim's algorithm
- principle of optimality
- priority queue
- prisoner's dilemma
- probabilistic algorithm
- probabilistically checkable proof
- probabilistic Turing machine
- probe sequence
- procedure
- process algebra
- proper
- proper binary tree
- proper coloring
- proper subset
- property list
- prune and search
- pseudo-random number generator
- pth order Fibonacci numbers
- P-tree
- purely functional language
- pushdown automaton
- pushdown transducer
- p-way merge sort
править- Rabin-Karp
- radix quicksort
- radix sort
- ragged matrix
- Raita
- random access machine
- randomization
- randomized algorithm
- randomized binary search tree
- randomized complexity
- randomized polynomial time
- randomized rounding
- randomized search tree
- Randomized-Select
- random number generator
- random sampling
- range
- range sort
- rank
- Ratcliff/Obershelp pattern recognition
- reachable
- rebalance
- recognizer
- rectangular matrix
- rectilinear
- rectilinear Steiner tree
- recurrence equations
- recurrence relation
- recursion
- recursion termination
- recursion tree
- recursive
- recursive data structure
- recursive doubling
- recursive language
- recursively enumerable language
- recursively solvable
- red-black tree
- reduced basis
- reduced digraph
- reduced ordered binary decision diagram (сокращенная упорядоченная бинарная диаграмма решений)
- reduction
- reflexive relation
- regular decomposition
- rehashing
- relation
- relational structure
- relative performance guarantee
- relaxation
- relaxed balance
- rescalable
- restricted universe sort
- result cache
- Reverse Colussi
- Reverse Factor
- R-file
- Rice's method
- right rotation
- right-threaded tree
- root
- root balance
- rooted tree
- rotate left
- rotate right
- rotation
- rough graph
- RP
- R±tree
- R*-tree
- R-tree
- run time
править- saguaro stack
- saturated edge
- SBB tree
- scan
- scapegoat tree
- search
- search tree
- search tree property
- secant search
- secondary clustering
- memory segment
- Select
- select and partition
- selection problem
- selection sort
- select kth element
- select mode
- self-loop
- self-organizing heuristic
- self-organizing list
- self-organizing sequential search
- semidefinite programming
- separate chaining hashing
- separation theorem
- sequential search
- set
- set cover
- set packing
- shadow heap
- shadow merge
- shadow merge insert
- shaker sort
- Shannon-Fano coding
- shared memory
- Shell sort
- Shift-Or
- Shor's algorithm
- shortcutting
- shortest common supersequence
- shortest common superstring
- shortest path
- shortest spanning tree
- shuffle
- shuffle sort
- sibling
- Sierpinski curve
- Sierpinski triangle
- sieve of Eratosthenes
- sift up
- signature
- Simon's algorithm
- simple merge
- simple path
- simple uniform hashing
- simplex communication
- simulated annealing
- simulation theorem
- single-destination shortest-path problem
- single-pair shortest-path problem
- single program multiple data
- single-source shortest-path problem
- singly linked list
- singularity analysis
- sink
- sinking sort
- skd-tree
- skew symmetry
- skip list
- skip search
- slope selection
- Smith algorithm
- Smith-Waterman algorithm
- smoothsort
- solvable
- sort
- sorted array
- sorted list
- sort in place
- sort merge
- soundex
- source
- space-constructible function
- spanning tree
- sparse graph
- sparse matrix
- sparsification
- sparsity
- spatial access method
- spectral test
- splay tree
- square matrix
- square root
- stable
- stack
- stack tree
- star-shaped polygon
- start state
- state
- state machine
- state transition
- static
- static Huffman encoding
- s-t cut
- st-digraph
- Steiner minimum tree
- Steiner point
- Steiner ratio
- Steiner tree
- Steiner vertex
- Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter
- Stirling's approximation
- Stirling's formula
- stooge sort
- straight-line drawing
- strand sort
- strictly decreasing
- strictly increasing
- strictly lower triangular matrix
- strictly upper triangular matrix
- string
- string editing problem
- string matching
- string matching on ordered alphabets
- string matching with errors
- string matching with mismatches
- string searching
- strip packing
- strongly connected component
- strongly connected graph
- strongly NP-hard
- subadditive ergodic theorem
- subgraph
- subgraph isomorphism
- sublinear time algorithm
- subsequence
- subset
- substring
- subtree
- suffix
- suffix array
- suffix automaton
- suffix tree
- superimposed code
- superset
- supersink
- supersource
- symmetric relation
- symmetrically linked list
- symmetric binary B-tree
- symmetric set difference
- symmetry breaking
править- tail
- tail recursion
- target
- temporal logic
- terminal
- terminal node
- ternary search tree
- text
- text searching
- theta
- threaded binary tree
- threaded tree
- three-dimensional
- three-way merge sort
- three-way radix quicksort
- time-constructible function
- time/space complexity
- top-down radix sort
- top-down tree automaton
- topological order
- topological sort
- topology tree
- total function
- totally decidable language
- totally decidable problem
- totally undecidable problem
- total order
- tour
- tournament
- towers of Hanoi
- tractable
- transducer
- transition
- transition function
- transitive relation
- transitive closure
- transitive reduction
- transpose sequential search
- traveling salesman
- treap
- tree
- tree automaton
- tree contraction
- tree editing problem
- tree sort
- tree traversal
- triangle inequality
- triconnected graph
- trie
- trinary function
- tripartition
- Turbo-BM
- Turbo Reverse Factor
- Turing machine
- Turing reduction
- Turing transducer
- twin grid file
- two-dimensional
- two-level grid file
- 2-3-4 tree
- 2-3 tree
- Two Way algorithm
- two-way linked list
- two-way merge sort
править- UKP
- unary function
- unbounded knapsack problem
- uncomputable function
- uncomputable problem
- undecidable
- undecidable language
- undecidable problem
- undirected graph
- uniform circuit complexity
- uniform circuit family
- uniform hashing
- uniform matrix
- union
- union of automata
- universal hashing
- universal state
- universal Turing machine
- universe
- UnShuffle sort
- unsolvable problem
- unsorted list
- upper triangular matrix
правитьНазвание | Перевод | Область применения | Ссылки | Примечание |
xor | Исключающее «ИЛИ», Сложение по модулю 2 |
правитьСм. также
править- Список алгоритмов
- Список классов сложности, Класс сложности
- Проект:Математика/Списки/Список структур данных
- Проект:Математика/Списки/Список основных разделов теории алгоритмов
{{math-stub}}, {{compu-stub}}
Категория:Алгоритмы Термины * Категория:Списки компьютерных терминов
en:List of terms relating to algorithms and data structures id:Daftar bertopik komputer ja:コンピュータ用語一覧 nl:Computers van A tot Z sl:Seznam računalniških vsebin uk:Комп'ютерна термінологія ur:شمارندکاری موضوعات کی فہرست zh:数据结构与算法列表