First Russian Wiki-Conference
October 27-28, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Wiki-Conference 2007

St.Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

October 6, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

«Wiki-Conference 2007» organizing committee announces the first Wiki-Conference in the Russian language.

The Conference will be held on October 27-28 in St.Petersburg, at the St.Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, a Russia's leader in the field of utilization of information technologies in education.

Over 100 participants, many of whom are editors of Wikipedia and related projects, are expected to attend the meeting. We also expect participation from other cities of Russia, from abroad, and representatives of other national language Wikipedias (Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Chuvash, Ossetian, etc.). Scientists, high school teachers, interested in using new Internet technologies in education, as well as historians of St.Petersburg and many others, are welcome at the conference.

  • The first day of the Conference will start with videotaped greetings from participants in various countries and cities of Russia. A greater part of the day will be dedicated to reports on topical issues of Wikipedia development. A press conference is also planned for this day.
  • During the second day, several panel discussions will be held. The panels will be dedicated to various issues such as content and technologies of Wikipedia, interaction in the Wiki-community, regulations, manuals and copyright issues. A number of thematic panel discussions, dealing with Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region, development of the mathematic, biological, historical and other sections, will also be held.

About Wikipedia

Russian Wikipedia has over 200 000 articles
Runet Award. In 2006, Russian Wikipedia was named the best website on the Russian web in the nomination «Science and Education» (in the photograph, User:Ctac)
Wikimania-2007 banner, Taipei (Taiwan)
Wikimeeting of users from various cities and countries

Wikipedia ( is a web-based encyclopedia project. Most language versions of Wikipedia, including the Russian one, are free content.

In contrast to other internet projects, Wikipedia’s articles are written collaboratively by volunteers, and not by government or commercial organizations.

Any volunteer with internet access can edit Wikipedia articles, without having to acquaint themselves with sophisticated software. Edited articles become immediately available to all internet users. This simplicity is the key reason for the immense popularity of Wikipedia. Vandalism and inclusion of false information are short-lived due to the balanced technical and administrative organization of the project.

Wikipedia contains 250 language editions. Russian Wikipedia currently ranks 11th in the number of articles. The total number of articles in Russian Wikipedia has recently surpassed 200 000, and it continues to grow rapidly.

In the seven years since the project was launched, Russian Wikipedia has become the absolute leader in the number of articles among all Russian-language web encyclopedias. At the moment, Russian Wikipedia has 2 000 784 articles articles. It is twice as big as the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, and over 1.5 times as big as the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary.

Russian Wikipedia’s citation index, as measured by Yandex, the leading Russian-language search engine, has reached 12,000. Its site ranks 38th-42nd in Russian segment of internet.

On 29 November, 2006, the project received the state «Runet Award» in the nomination «Science and Education». In early 2007, in the competition for the ROTOR award in the nomination «Scientific-educational site of the year», Russian Wikipedia ranked second, after the oldest Russian scientific-popular magazine «Vokrug sveta». In the nomination «Internet community of the year», Russian Wikipedia also ranked second.

Wikipedia surpasses printed encyclopedias with its enormous wealth of illustrations. The multimedia capabilities of the electronic encyclopedia make it possible to «illustrate» articles with not only images but also sounds. A large portion of the illustrations (which number already over 1.5 million) are shared by all language sections of Wikipedia.

All texts and images are checked for possible copyright infringements. All Wikipedia texts are distributed exclusively on free license GNU FDL terms, and most of its illustrations are also distributed under free licenses.

Russian Wikipedia editors come not only from Russia but also from abroad, including Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Israel, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, the United States of America, etc.

National Wikipedia editors meet at local, regional and international «Wikimania» wiki-meetings on a regular basis. Acting simultaneously as a scientific conference and a socializing event, «Wikimania» brings together participants in various projects of the «Wikimedia» Foundation for exchanging ideas, building up new partnerships, presenting reports on researches and projects. The recent «Wikimania» was conducted on 3—5 August, 2007 in Taipei (Taiwan).

Press Conference


Russian Wikipedia's first ever Wiki-conference will be held on 27—28 October, 2007 in St.Petersburg.

We ask you to publish information on Wikipedia and the coming Wiki-conference, and we invite you to our press conference, scheduled for 12.00 a.m., October 27, at the main ITMO building - St.Petersburg, Kronverksky Prosp., 49, entrance from Sytninskaya ul., Gorkovskaya metro station (see the map).

For all information, please contact Wiki-conference press secretary Ilya Bykov at dr.bykov, +7 (950) 009 39 49.

You may also contact Organizing committee members,

Organizing committee distribution list — ruwikiconference(at) (all letters mailed to this address will be sent out to all Organizing committee members). See also the Википедия:Вики-конференция 2007/Information letter.

Additional information


Фотографии с вики-встреч участников Википедии:

More information in Russian about the Wiki-Conference
