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Перечень статей 3-х томного справочника «Словарь петербургских антиковедов XIX — начала XX века, содержащего жизнеописания 250 петербургских или связанных с Петербургом учёных, педагогов, деятелей искусства и литературы, внесших вклад в развитие отечественного антиковедения.
- Том 1: Словарь петербургских антиковедов XIX — начала XX века : в 3 т. / редкол.: А. К. Гаврилов (отв. ред.) и др.. — СПб. : Bibliotheca classica Petropolitana, 2021. — Т. I : А–К. — xxxvi + 426 с. — ISBN 978-5-4391-0712-4. — ISBN 978-5-4391-0715-5.
- Том 2: Словарь петербургских антиковедов XIX — начала XX века : в 3 т. / редкол.: А. К. Гаврилов (отв. ред.) и др.. — СПб. : Bibliotheca classica Petropolitana, 2021. — Т. II: Л–Я. — vi + 434 с. — ISBN 978-5-4391-0713-1. — ISBN 978-5-4391-0715-5.
- Том 3: Словарь петербургских антиковедов XIX — начала XX века : в 3 т. / редкол.: А. К. Гаврилов (отв. ред.) и др.. — СПб. : Bibliotheca classica Petropolitana, 2020. — Т. III: указатели и приложения. — viii + 190 с. — ISBN 978-5-4391-0714-8. — ISBN 978-5-4391-0715-5.
Шаблон для указания ссылки на статью справочника — {{Книга:Словарь петербургских антиковедов}}. Формат вызова:
* {{Книга:Словарь петербургских антиковедов|том = |автор = |автор линк= |часть = |стр = |ref= }}
1 | Айналов Дмитрий Власьевич | Ainaloff / Ajnalov D. V. | 1862–1939 | student of Byzantium and Early Russian art, art historian and critic; Hermitage Dutch collection keeper |
2 | Аландский Павел Иванович | Alandskij P. I. | 1844–1883 | Greek studies; embraced advances in psychology, held positions at different universities; talented public lecturer |
3 | Алексеев Василий Алексеевич | Alekseev V. A. | 1863–1919 | prolific translator from Classical languages, at times overhasty and not always to be relied on |
4 | Андреев Иван Дмитриевич | Andreev I. D. | 1867–1927 | Church historian and student of Byzantium, contributor to the Brockhaus–Efron Encyclopaedic Dictionary |
5 | Аничков Николай Милиевич | Aničkov N. M. | 1844–1916 | educationalist; preferred civil service to teaching, active in Veliky Novgorod and SPb |
6 | Анненский Иннокентий Федорович | Annenskij I. F. | 1855–1909 | Russian symbolist poet and literary critic, translator of the extant plays of Euripides; playwright |
7 | Ардашев Павел Николаевич | Ardacheff / Ardašev P. N. | 1865–1924 | historian, studied Cicero in historical context; published on French history; a diary in Latin |
8 | Астафьев Николай Александрович | Astafjev N. A. | 1825–1906 | historian of classical antiquity; a believer, Society for the propagation of the Bible member |
9 | Бауер / Бауэр Василий Васильевич | Bauer V. V. | 1833–1884 | student of modern and ancient history, esp. history of Ancient Greece, inspiring lecturer; tutor to the royal family |
10 | Бекштрем Альберт Густавович | Bäckström / Bekštrem Albert Johann Wilhelm | 1862–1919 | palaeographer, papyrologist, historian of Hellenistic medicine; published medical papyri, studied medicine in Dorpat; later studies in Etruscan language |
11 | Белен де Баллю Яков Яковлевич | Belin de Ballu Jacques Nicolas | 1753–1815 | philologist, translator of Greek authors into French; taught languages in the Southern provinces of Russia |
12 | Бе(л)люстин Никита Федорович | Belustin / Beljustin N. F. | 1784–1841 | philologist, author of Latin textbooks, lifelong teacher of Latin |
13 | Беляев Дмитрий Федорович | Beljaev D. F. | 1846–1901 | philologist, historian of material culture of Byzantium; enthusiastic schoolmaster |
14 | Бенешевич Владимир Николаевич | Beneszewicz / Beneševič V. N. | 1874–1938 | historian of ecclesiastic and civil law of Byzantium, palaeographer, codicologist; keeper of Greek mss. at the Imperial Public library |
15 | Берен(д)т Карл Романович | Beren(d)t K. R. | 1862–1930 | philologist, author of textbooks and readers; bibliographer for the better part of his life |
16 | Благовещенский Николай Михайлович | Blagoveščenskij N. M. | 1821–1892 | historian of ancient literature, art, and material culture; influential lecturer at SPb Univ., public figure |
17 | Блуменау Леонид Васильевич | Blumenau L. V. | 1862–1931 | neurologist by training; published on physiology of the brain; offered set translations of the Palatine Anthology |
18 | Бобринский Алексей Александрович, граф | Bobrinskij A. A., count | 1852–1927 | nobleman, civil servant; chairman of the Imperial Archaeological Commission and practicing archaeologist |
19 | Боголепов Николай Павлович | Bogolepov N. P. | 1846–1901 | lawyer by training; statesman, historian of Roman law, educationalist; minister of education attacked by a student |
20 | Болотов Василий Васильевич | Bolotov V. V. | 1854–1900 | historian of Early Orthodox Church, student of dogmatics and chronology, remarkable polyglot |
21 | Брандт Иоганн Фридрих / Федор Федорович | Brandt Johann Friedrich von | 1802–1879 | studied medicine; botanist, director of Zoological museum; drew on classical sources in his studies of the habitat of ancient flora and fauna |
22 | Бриллиантов Александр Иванович | Brilliantov A. I. | 1867– ca.1933 | Church historian, student of theology of Johannes Scotus Erigena |
23 | Брок Артур Александрович | Brock Arthur Heinrich von | 1867–1935 | philologist, schoolmaster, and educationalist of a Humboldtian strain |
24 | Бронзов Александр Александрович | Bronzov A. A. | 1858– 1936/1937 | historian of the Church and Christian literature, Christian ethics, prolific writer in scholarly journals |
25 | Брут Александр Иванович | Brut A. I. | 1800–1873 | philologist; taught geography, history, and statistics |
26 | Бэр Карл Максимович | Baer / Bär Karl Ernst von | 1792–1876 | natural scientist and philosopher, founder of embryology; palaeontologist, ethnographer, geographer; travelled i. a. the Black Sea region with a copy of Homer |
27 | Вальтер Федор Андреевич | Walther Theodor Chr. Fr. L. | ca.1808– 1886 | philologist, schoolmaster; versifier in Latin and German; student of modern history, bibliographer |
28 | Варнеке Борис Васильевич | Warne(c)ke B. V. | 1874–1944 | philologist, historian of Roman theatre; a keen observer and author of memoirs |
29 | Васильевский Василий Григорьевич | Wassiliewsky / Vasiljevskij V. G. | 1838–1899 | prominent Byzantinist and historian of Rome, who began with history of Ancient Greece; editor in chief of ŽMNP (the Journal of the Ministry for Public Education) |
30 | Введенский Александр Иванович | Vvedensky / Vvedenskij A. I. | 1856–1925 | Kantian philosopher, logician, historian of philosophy and ancient thought |
31 | Ведров Владимир Максимович | Vedrov V. M. | 1824–1892 | historian of antiquity; censor |
32 | Вейсман Александр Давидович | Vejsman A. D. | 1834–1913 | lexicographer, compiler of a Learner’s Greek‑Russian Lexicon, still in print |
33 | Вересаев Викентий Викентьевич | Veresaev V. V. (pseud. of Smidovič) | 1867–1945 | studied history and medicine; writer and journal editor, essayist, translator of Greek lyric poets, Homer and Hesiod |
34 | Верт Эдмунд Альбертович | Werth Reinhold Alexander | 1839–1907 | philologist, textual critic, epigraphist |
35 | Веселовский Александр Николаевич | Wesselofsky / Veselovskij A. N. | 1838–1906 | studied philology; student of comparative literature, folklore, championed historical poetics |
36 | Веселовский Николай Иванович | Veselovskij N. I. | 1848–1918 | historian and orientalist, archaeologist, led excavations in the Southern regions of Russian empire |
37 | Ветнек Евгений Иванович | Weetneek / Vietnieks E. | 1870–1923 | philologist, schoolmaster and principal in Odessa and SPb |
38 | Видеман Фридрих Эрнестович | Wiedemann Friedrich | 1869– 1918/1919 | philologist, epigraphist, student of early Greek writing |
39 | Владиславлев Михаил Иванович | Vladislavlev M. I. | 1840–1890 | studied and lectured in philosophy and history of philosophy, logics, psychology; studied Plotinus |
40 | Водовозов Василий Иванович | Vodovozov V. I. | 1825–1886 | schoolmaster and pedagogue; essayist, translator of ancient poetry |
41 | Воеводский Леопольд Францевич | Wojewódzki Leopold | 1846–1901 | philologist, historian of myth, ethics and culture of archaic Greece |
42 | Востоков Александр Христофорович | Vostokov A. Ch. | 1781–1864 | studied history of art; coined the term ‘Old Church Slavonic’; enriched Russian tradition with his translations of ancient poetry |
43 | Вульфиус Герман Германович | Wulffius Hermann Immanuel | 1865–1893 | archaeologist, art critic, philologist in the tradition of Altertumswissenschaft |
44 | Галич Александр Иванович | Galič A. I. | 1783–1848 | student of philosophy, esp. of Romantic aesthetics; Latin teacher in the elite Russian institutions of the epoch |
45 | Гартман Николай | Hartmann Nicolai / Nicolaus | 1882–1950 | studied history and philosophy in SPb and Marburg; philosopher and historian of philosophy (taught in Marburg, Köln, Berlin, Göttingen) |
46 | Гар(т)ц Федор Андреевич | Gartz / Hartz F. A. | 1880–1920 | schoolmaster, Greek scholar, who taught for some years optional Greek at the 6th gymnasium in SPb |
47 | Гаффнер Эдуард Иванович | Haffner Johann Samuel Eduard | 1804–1889 | studied theology in Dorpat; educationalist active in Dorpat, Rostock, and SPb |
48 | Гедеонов Степан Александрович | Gedeonov S. A. | ca.1815– 1878 | studied philology; the first director of the Hermitage, acquired classical works of art for its collections en masse, student of Early Russian history and art |
49 | Гедике Федор Федорович | Gaedicke Johann Friedrich | 1783–1822 | philologist, teacher of ancient languages |
50 | Гельбке Фридрих Фердинандович | Gelbcke Carl Friedrich | 1842–1922 | philologist, schoolmaster and educationalist, fond of Pestalozzi system |
51 | Гельвих Николай Августович | Hellwig N. | 1868–1929 | studied philology; studies in Early Latin, esp. Plautus, historical grammar |
52 | Гельд Герман Готфридович | Held Hermann | 1875–1938 | philologist, schoolmaster, bibliographer; student of reception of antiquity in Russian poetry |
53 | Ген / Хен Виктор Евстафьевич | Hehn Victor Amandus | 1813–1890 | studied philology in Dorpat; historian of culture of Humboldtian mindset, working on the crossroads of ethnography, classics and natural sciences |
54 | Георгиевский Александр Иванович | Georgievskij A. I. | 1830–1911 | studied history; civil servant, protective advocate of official classicism |
55 | Георгиевский Лев Александрович | Georgievskij L. A. | 1860–1926 | philologist, schoolmaster; officer in educational reform projects; wrote text-books |
56 | Георгиевский Михаил Александрович | Georgievskij M. A. | 1863–1903 | studied philology, teacher |
57 | Гиль Христиан Христианович | Giel Christian | 1837–1908 | numismatist, collected and studied ancient and Russian coins; connected with the family of I. I. Tolstoy sen. |
58 | Гинтовт Степан Иванович | Gintovt S. I. | 1861–1918 | philologist, schoolmaster; co editor of Germes, a Russian classical journal for the general public |
59 | Гинцбург Николай Семенович | Ginzburg N. S. | 1867–1933 | philologist, translator of Vergil and Horace |
60 | Глориантов Никандр Иванович | Gloriantov N. I. | 1828–1898 | Church historian; taught physics and Latin |
61 | Глубоковский Николай Никанорович | Glubokovskij N. N. | 1863–1937 | Church historian and biblical scholar, expounder of the Scripture, editor of the Pravoslavnaja Encyclopaedia |
62 | Гнедич Николай Иванович | Gnedich / Gnedič N. I. | 1784–1833 | original Russian poet with a solid knowledge of Greek and lifelong engagement with the Ilias, who yielded a yet unrivalled translation in hexameters |
63 | Гофман Август Адольфович | Hoffmann Johann Jakob Karl August | 1829–1897 | philologist, schoolmaster, educationalist active across the country |
64 | Графф Герман Вильгельмович / Александрович | Graff Hermann Wilhelm Alexander | 1829–1879 | philologist, schoolmaster |
65 | Грацилевский Иван Михайлович | Gracilevskij I. M. | 1794–1838 | studied philology; orientalist, Latin teacher |
66 | Гревс Иван Михайлович | Grevs I. M. | 1860–1941 | studied history; student of Rome and Early Middle Ages, ancient art and architecture; lecturer, involved in areal studies movement |
67 | Грефе Герман Федорович | Graefe Hermann | 1830–1873 | studied philosophy, philology, and archaeology; schoolmaster |
68 | Грефе Федор Богданович | Graefe Christian Friedrich | 1780–1851 | studied Classics under Gottfried Hermann; Greek lecturer, the founder of the Classics Dept. at SPb Univ. |
69 | Григорьев Василий Васильевич | Grigorjev V. V. | 1816–1881 | orientalist, civil servant, numismatist; historian and geographer of the Middle East and of the Northern coast of the Black Sea, a historian of S.-Petersburg University |
70 | Гримм Александр Иванович | Grimm Al. I. | 1819–1884 | numismatist and collection keeper at the Hermitage, librarian |
71 | Гримм Антон Иванович | Grimm Johann Anton Joachim | 1792–1846 | studied philosophy, theology, and Classics; lecturer |
72 | Гримм Давид Давидович | Grimm D. D. | 1864–1941 | studied law; lectured and published in Roman law, engaged in party politics under the colours of centrist constitutional democracy |
73 | Гримм Эрвин Давидович | Grimm E. D. | 1870–1940 | historian of Roman state, lecturer; engaged in party politics to preserve the integrity of SPb Univ. |
74 | Гуревич Яков Григорьевич | Gurevič Ja. G. | 1843(1841)– 1906 | schoolmaster and principal; published in history of the ancient world, editor of Russkaya shkola periodical |
75 | Давыдов Иван Иванович | Davydov I. I. | 1792(1794)– 1863 | studied philology and natural sciences; lectured in philosophy; educationalist (important for GPI) |
76 | Дашков Дмитрий Васильевич | Daškov D. V. | after1788– 1839 | civil servant; man of letters, pastime translator |
77 | Делянов Иван Давыдович | Deljanov I. D. | 1817–1897 | civil servant; director of the Imperial Public library, conservative public education minister |
78 | Дестунис Гавриил Спиридонович | Destounis G. S. | 1818–1895 | studied philology; Byzantinist, translator; sympathized with comparative literature studies |
79 | Дестунис Спиридон Юрьевич | Destounis S. Ju. | 1782–1848 | Greek national; diplomat; translator of Plutarch in Russian, did groundwork for studies of Byzantium in Russia |
80 | Дмитриевский Алексей Афанасьевич | Dmitrievskij A. A. | 1856–1929 | studied Christian rites of worship and liturgical texts, palaeography, engaged in the Orthodox Palestine Society |
81 | Добиаш Рождественская Ольга Антоновна | Dobiache-Rojdestvensky / Dobiaš-Roždestvenskaja O. A. | 1874–1939 | historian, mediaevalist, Latin palaeographer; first woman in Russia to receive PhD in history and to become a corresponding member of the Russian (Soviet) Academy of Sciences |
82 | Ернштедт Виктор Карлович | Jernstedt / Jernstädt V. K. | 1854–1902 | studied philology; lecturer, palaeographer, textual critic and editor of Greek texts |
83 | Жданов Сергей Николаевич | Ždanov S. N. | 1850–1903 | philologist; studies in Greek language, esp. its accentuation; comparative linguistics |
84 | Жебелёв Сергей Александрович | Zhebelev / Gébélev / Žebelev S. A. | 1867–1941 | studied philology; student of political history of Hellenistic Greece; religion and archaeology; epigraphist, art historian, annalist of Russian classical scholarship |
85 | Жил(л)ь Флориан / Флоран Антонович | Gi(l)le Florent Antoin de | 1801–1865 | Swiss national; tutor to the royal family; head of the 1st Section of the Hermitage, keeper of the collection of Black Sea antiques |
86 | Жобар Иван Клавдиевич | Jobard Jean Baptiste Alphonse | after1791–not before1861 | French national; lecturer in French, Latin, and Greek across the country; corresponded with A. Pushkin after the scandal with count S. S. Ouvaroff |
87 | Жуковский Василий Андреевич | Zhukovskij / Schukowsky / Žukovskij V. A. | 1783–1852 | celebrated sentimental and romantic poet, translator i. a. of the Odyssey from German interlinear |
88 | Зелинский Фаддей Францевич | Zielinski (нем.) / Zieliński (польск.) Thaddäus | 1859–1944 | philologist and historian of classical culture of broadest scope; lecturer, researcher, and champion of Classics in Russia and Poland |
89 | Зенгер Григорий Эдуардович | Sänger G. | 1853–1919 | philologist, textual critic, neo-Latin poet, and educationalist |
90 | Зоргенфрей Густав Густавович | Sorgenfrey G. | 1871–1930 | philologist, schoolmaster and lecturer, educationalist; director of the 6th Gymnasium |
91 | Иванов Вячеслав Иванович | Ivanov Venceslao | 1866–1949 | studied Classics; thesis under Th. Mommsen; historian of Dionysiac cults, adherent to Nietzsche, poet, translator, ideologist of Symbolism |
92 | Иванов Сергей Андреевич | Ivanoff Sergio | 1822–1877 | trained as an architect and draughtsman, worked on reconstructions in Rome, Pompeii, Athens, and Olympia |
93 | Иверсен Юлий Богданович | Iversen Julius Gottlob | 1823–1900 | schoolmaster; numismatist, keeper of the Hermitage coin cabinet, collector of medals and coins |
94 | Иконом(ос) Константин | Ikonom(os) / Œkonomides K. | 1780–1857 | Greek national; career in Church, theologian and philologist, promoter of philhellenism in Russia |
95 | Ионин Александр Осипович | Ionin A. O. | 1834–1882 | studied Classics, schoolmaster |
96 | Каль Алексей Федорович | Kahl / Kall Alexis | 1878–1948 | philologist; musicologist, student of the ancient theories of music, lecturer and schoolmaster |
97 | Каринский Михаил Иванович | Karinskij M. I. | 1840–1917 | lectured in logics and epistemology at SPb Spiritual Academy; published on Pre-Socratic and Hellenistic philosophy |
98 | Карпов Василий Николаевич | Karpov V. N. | 1798–1867 | studied philosophy; lecturer, translated the whole body of Plato’s dialogues |
99 | Касторский Михаил Иванович | Kastorskij M. I. | 1807–1866 | studied philology; interest in Aristotle; inspired by the idea of Slavic Renaissance, he studied Slavic rituals |
100 | Кедров Константин Васильевич | Kedrov K. V. | after1827– 1903 | philologist, schoolmaster and principal, tutor to the royal family; educationalist |
101 | Кёлер Егор Егорович / Генрих Карлович | Koehler / Köhler Heinrich Karl Ernst | 1765–1837 | German national; studied law and philology; keeper of antiques at the Hermitage, director of the 1st Section, promoted archaeological studies in the Black Sea region |
102 | Кёниг Иосиф Иосифович | König Joseph | 1845–1910 | studied Classics in Austria; schoolmaster and principal of Annenschule in SPb |
103 | Кёниг Осип Осипович | König Ossip | 1831–1894 | German national; philologist, Latin schoolmaster |
104 | Кёппен Петр Иванович | Koeppen / Köppen Peter | 1793–1864 | studied law; archaeologist, studying in particular ancient monuments of the North Black Sea region |
105 | Кёрбер Эдуард Юлиевич | Körber Eduard | 1848–1913 | studied Classics in Dorpat; schoolmaster |
106 | Кесслер Эрнест Эрнестович | Kessler Ernst Karl Theodor | 1842–1896 | philologist, schoolmaster, author of a salient school manual on Latin syntax |
107 | Кизерицкий Гангольф Егорович | Kieseri(t)zky R. G. Gangolf von | 1847–1903 | studied Classics in Dorpat; art expert, keeper and cataloguer of the Hermitage collections of antiques |
108 | Кирхнер Юлий Богданович | Kirchner Julius | 1823–1907 | studied theology and philology in Halle; schoolmaster and principal of Annenschule; father of Iohannes Kirchner |
109 | Клас(с)овский Владимир Игнатьевич | Klassovskij V. I. | 1815–1877 | studied philosophy; schoolmaster, published on classical antiquity for broader public |
110 | Клеменчич Осип Юрьевич | Klemenčič Jožef | 1848– after1906 | studied Classics in Vienna; schoolmaster |
111 | «Козьма Прутков» | Koz’ma Prutkov | 1801–1863 | a fictional character conceived by Alexei Tolstoy and Žemčužnikov brothers; a bureaucrat and a wit, exposing stiff Classicism |
112 | Кондаков Никодим Павлович | Kondakoff / Kondakov N. P. | 1844–1925 | historian of art; guiding spirit of Russian art history; archaeologist, student of Byzantine art, historian of icon-painting; Seminarium Kondakovianum in Prague |
113 | Константин Константинович (К. Романов), вел. кн. | Konstantin Konstantinovič (Romanov), Grand Duke | 1858–1915 | a royal; president of the Academy of Sciences; poet, translator, and playwright, published under the acronym KR |
114 | Коссович Игнатий Андреевич | Kossovič I. A. | 1808 (1811?)– 1878 | philologist, schoolmaster; amateur poet |
115 | Коссович Каэтан Андреевич | Kossovič K. A. | 1814–1883 | philologist, Hebraist and Sanskritologist; bibliographer at the Public Library in SPb |
116 | Кочубей Василий Викторович | Kotchoubey / Kočubej V. V. | 1812–1850 | civil servant at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs; collector of coins |
117 | Кошанский Николай Федорович | Koschansky / Košanskij Nicolaus | 1784 (1781?)– 1831 | studied philosophy; schoolmaster (among others of A. S.Pushkin), translator |
118 | Краснов Платон Николаевич | Krasnov P. N. | 1866–1924 | studied physics and mathematics; officer at the Ministry for Ways and Means of Transport; literary critic, amateur translator of ancient authors |
119 | Краузе Владимир Маркович | Krause V. M. | 1858–1901 | studied philology; schoolmaster, self-styled translator, editor |
120 | Крашенинников Михаил Никитич | Krascheninnikov / Krašeninnikov M. | 1865–1932 | studied Classics; textual critic, epigraphist, palaeographer, Byzantinist; editor of Procopius |
121 | Крешев Иван Петрович | Krešev I. P. | 1824–1859 | studied philosophy and law; journalist, poet and translator |
122 | Круг Филипп Иванович | Krug Johann Philipp | 1764–1844 | German national; tutor, numismatist, keeper of the Hermitage coin collection; expert in Russian and Byzantine chronology |
123 | Крылов Александр Лукич | Krylov A. L. | 1798–1853 | philologist; lectured in history, geography, and statistics; censor |
124 | Кузмин Михаил Алексеевич | Kuzmin M. A. | 1872–1936 | symbolist and Acmeist poet; original composer of music, master of literary stylization |
125 | Кульман Елисавета Борисовна | Kulmann Elisabeth | 1808–1825 | precocious child-polyglot, translator and poet |
126 | Куторга Михаил Семенович | K(o)utorga / Kutorha M. Sem. | 1809–1886 | studied in SPb, Dorpat and abroad; the first Russian national to become an original historian of Ancient Greece, struggling for nonpartisan critical thinking |
127 | Куторга Михаил Степанович | Kutorga M. Step. | 1853–1905 | philologist, schoolmaster; editor of the works of his uncle M. Sem. Kutorga |
128 | Лавровский Николай Алексеевич | Lavrovskij N. A. | 1825?–1899 | philologist, lecturer, educationalist; studies in Slavic and Middle Greek philology |
129 | Лапшин Григорий Иванович | Lapšin G. I. | 1813–1884 | studied philology; skilled schoolmaster, drilled students in basic Latin to prepare them for higher studies |
130 | Латышев Василий Васильевич | Latys(c)hev / Latyšev V. V. | 1855–1921 | philologist, epigraphist; single handed editor of the Black Sea region inscriptions (IosPE I–II, IV), student of Byzantine hagiography; civil servant and director of IFI |
131 | Лебединский Иван Иванович | Lebedinskij I. I. | 1820?–1876 | studied philology, schoolmaster, Latin lexicographer |
132 | Лёве Евгений Августович | Loewe (Loev) Eugen von | 1856–1916 | studied Classics in Dorpat; schoolmaster, wrote on Theognis |
133 | Лемониус Вильгельм Христианович | Lemonius Wilhelm | 1817–1903 | philologist, schoolmaster and principal of the 3rd Gymnasium |
134 | Лёпер Роман (Роберт) Христианович | Loeper Robert Georg Christian | 1864–1918 | philologist and historian, schoolmaster; student of epigraphy and archaeology of Athens and Black Sea region |
135 | Лихачёв Николай Петрович | Likhachev / Lichačev N. P. | 1862–1936 | historian of writing and of the book, palaeographer, art expert; collector of icons and documents on a grand scale |
136 | Ловягин Александр Иванович | Lovjagin A. I. | 1870–1925 | studied history; schoolmaster, bibliographer, translator |
137 | Ловягин Евграф Иванович | Lovjagin E. I. | 1822–1909 | studied theology; philologist, translator |
138 | Лопарёв Хрисанф Мефодиевич | Loparev Ch. M. | 1862–1918 | philologist, palaeographer, bibliographer, student of Byzantine hagiography |
139 | Лоренц Фридрих Карлович | Loren(t)z Friedrich | 1803–1861 | German national; lecturer, schoolmaster and principal of Petrischule; lectured at the GPI |
140 | Луньяк Иван Иванович | Luňák Jan | 1847–1935 | philologist; lecturer and schoolmaster; left for the Univ. of Ljubljana |
141 | Люгебиль Карл Якимович | Lugebil Karl Heinrich | 1830–1887 | philologist; teacher and lecturer; subject areas included historical grammar, epigraphy, history of art |
142 | Люперсольский Петр Иванович | Ljupersol’skij P. I. | 1836–1903 | studied theology and history; lecturer, published on history of Classical Greece |
143 | Лютер Федор Александрович | Luther Theodor Wilhelm Dieter | 1864– 1918/1919 | philologist; schoolmaster, involved in the activities of the Society of Classical philology and pedagogy in SPb |
144 | Ляпунов Юрий Сергеевич | Ljapunov Ju. S. | 1893–1920 | studied Classics; cut short in his career of Latin and Greek studies by typhoid fever contracted shortly after the draft |
145 | Майков Аполлон Николаевич | Majkov A. N. | 1821–1897 | studied law; poet with an eye of a painter idealizing the classical world and popular for it; censor |
146 | Малеин Александр Иустинович | Malein A. I. | 1869–1938 | studied Classics; majored in palaeography and Roman literature; bibliographer, historian of Classics in Russia (i. a. overview for J. E. Sandys) |
147 | Манштейн Сергей Андреевич | Manštejn S. A. | 1860?–1931 | philologist; schoolmaster, editor of schoolroom reader series |
148 | Мартынов Иван Иванович | Martynov I. I. | 1771–1833 | studied theology; philhellenist and prolific translator of Greek authors; educationalist |
149 | Мей Лев Александрович | Mey / Mej L. A. | 1822–1862 | original poet as well as enthusiastic translator |
150 | Меклер Георгий Карлович | Mekler Georg | 1858–1915 | studied Classics in Dorpat; lecturer and schoolmaster |
151 | Менщиков Арсений Иванович | Menščikov A. I. | 1807–1884 | philologist; lectured in Classics and Byzantine literature |
152 | Мережковский Дмитрий Сергеевич | Merezhkovsky / Merežkovskij D. S. | 1865–1941 | studied Classics; Symbolist poet, translator of Greek tragedies, historical novelist, literary critic and essayist; religious thinker; émigré (France) |
153 | Миддендорф Федор Иванович | Middendorff Theodor Johann | 1776–1856 | studied theology and Classics in Jena; eccentric schoolmaster and efficient principal |
154 | Миллер Лукиан Адамович | Müller Lucian | 1836–1898 | studied Classics in Berlin; textual critic and editor of Lucilius, Phaedrus, Nonus, Ennius, and esp. Horace, student of Latin style and metrics |
155 | Минский Николай Максимович | Minskij N. M. | 1856(1855)– 1937 | studied law; decadent poet, attempted more accessible Russian translation of the Ilias (as opposed to that by N. Gnedich) |
156 | Митрофанов Павел Павлович | Mitrofanov P. P. | 1873–1917 | studied philology and history; lecturer and Latin schoolmaster in the Nicolaus Gymnasium at Tsarskoye Selo; historian of the 18th century Europe |
157 | Модестов Василий Алексеевич | Modestov V. A. | late1810s – not before1870 | studied theology; schoolmaster, historian, and translator |
158 | Модестов Василий Иванович | Modestov V. I. | 1839–1907 | studied philology; historian of Early Rome and Roman literature, lecturer, translator of Tacitus; moved to Italy, connoisseur of antiques |
159 | Мор Яков Григорьевич | Mor(r) Jakob | 1840–1914 | studied philology in Dorpat; schoolmaster and principal; published on methods of teaching ancient languages |
160 | Муравьёв-Апостол Иван Матвеевич | Mouraviev-Apostol I. M. | after1762– 1851 | civil servant; bibliophile and translator, stirred interest to history and geography of the Crimea by his Tauris journey log |
161 | Муральт Эдуард Гаспарович | Muralt Eduard von | 1808–1895 | Swiss national; Byzantinist, palaeographer, bibliographer, connoisseur of antiques |
162 | Мусселиус Владимир Васильевич / Вольдемар Александр Вильгельмович | Musselius Woldemar Alexander | 1846–not before1916 | studied philology in Dorpat; Latin schoolmaster, lexicographer, compiler of Russian–Latin lexicon for schoolroom translations |
163 | Наук Август Карлович | Nauck Johann August | 1822–1892 | studied Classics in Halle; lecturer at Historic-Philological Institute; editor of Greek texts and fragments, master of textual criticism; editor of the series MGR |
164 | Нейлисов Константин Фемистоклович | Nejlisov K. F. | 1828–1887 | Greek national; philologist, schoolmaster |
165 | Никитин Петр Васильевич | Nikitin P. V. | 1849–1916 | Hellenist, historian of Attic theatre; pupil of A. Nauck. Rector of SPb University, vice-president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in SPb |
166 | Никитский Александр Васильевич | Nikitsky / Nikitskij A. V. | 1859–1921 | studied theology; majored and published in epigraphy and archaeology, lecturer |
167 | Никольский Борис Владимирович | Nikolsky / Nikol’skij B. V. | 1870–1919 | studied law, historian of Roman law; lecturer, tutor to the royal family; author of remarkable diary |
168 | Новосадский Николай Иванович | Novo(s)sadsky / Novosadskij N. I. | 1859–1941 | philologist; schoolmaster and lecturer; research in epigraphy and history of Greek cults |
169 | Новосёлов Александр Григорьевич | Novoselov A. G. | 1834–1887 | philologist and schoolmaster |
170 | Норов Авраам Сергеевич | Noroff A. S. | 1795–1869 | elite corps artilleryman, civil servant; collector of antiques and books, enthusiastic traveller and writer on the Near East; minister of education |
171 | Носов Петр Михайлович | Nosov P. M. | 1821–1899 | philologist; schoolmaster, compiler of textbooks and readers |
172 | Оленин Алексей Николаевич | Olenin A. N. | 1763?–1843 | artilleryman, studied history, archaeology, and art history; published on antiques of the Black Sea region; Director of the Public Library and the Academy of Arts; centre of the literary circle |
173 | Орлов-Давыдов Владимир Петрович | Orlov-Davydov V. P. | 1809–1882 | studied Classics in Edinburgh; civil servant, antiquarian, patron of expeditions, travelled Greece and Asia Minor |
174 | Павловский Алексей Андреевич | Pavlovskij Alexis | 1856–1913 | studied history; majored in history of Greek and Byzantine art, archaeology, lecturer |
175 | Пападопуло(с)- Керамевс Афанасий Иванович | Papadopoulos Kerameus / Παπαδόπουλος- Κεραμεύς Α. | 1856–1912 | Greek national educated in Smyrna; philologist, palaeographer active across the Sporades and Asia Minor, bibliographer and bibliophile |
176 | Перовский Лев Алексеевич | Perovskij L. A. | 1792–1856 | civil servant, minister of the Interior responsible for archaeological excavations |
177 | Петрушевский Фома Иванович | Petruševskij F. I. | 1785–1848 | mathematician and student of the system of weights and measures; translator of Euclid and Archimedes |
178 | Петухова Вера Викторовна | Petuchova V. V. | 1874–1942 | philologist, schoolmistress, and lecturer at the Higher Courses for Women in SPb |
179 | Печерин Владимир Сергеевич | Petcherine / Pečerin V. S. | 1807–1885 | studied Classics; schoolmaster, translator from the Palatine Anthology, fled to Ireland; ordained Catholic; desenchanté |
180 | Писарев Дмитрий Иванович | Pisarev D. I. | 1840–1868 | studied philology; radical thinker and literary critic of 1860s |
181 | Покровский Иосиф Алексеевич | Pokrovskij I. A. | 1868–1920 | studied law, historian of Roman law; lecturer |
182 | Помяловский Иван Васильевич | Pomjalovskij I. V. | 1845–1906 | philologist; lecturer, student of Latin epigraphy, Byzantium, and Palestine |
183 | Попов Дмитрий Прокофьевич | Popov D. P. | 1790–1864 | philologist; schoolmaster, translator from Ancient and Middle Greek |
184 | Порфирий (Успенский) | Porfirij (Uspenskij) | 1804–1885 | studied theology, ordained; historian of Early Church and Christian East, collector of manuscripts (played a role in the acquisition of Codex Sinaiticus) |
185 | Порфиров Петр Федорович | Porfirov P. F. | 1870?–1903 | studied law; poet, elegant translator of Horace |
186 | Прахов Адриан Викторович | Prahoff Adrien | 1846–1916 | historian of Ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Early Russian art and architecture; lecturer, artist and archaeologist |
187 | Придик Евгений Мартынович | Pridik Eugen Peter | 1865–1935 | studied Classics in Dorpat; epigraphist, archaeologist, keeper of Hermitage collections and amphora stamps of the Black Sea region (due in unpublished IosPE III) |
188 | Прозоров Павел Иванович | Prozorov P. I. | 1862–not before1931 | philologist and bibliographer of Greek studies in Russia |
189 | Пустонский Михаил Васильевич | Pustonskij M. V. | 1835–1890 | schoolmaster and principal |
190 | Радлов Карл Фридрих (Федор) | Radlow / Radloff Karl Friedrich | after1782– 1842 | German national; philologist, schoolmaster |
191 | Радлов Леопольд / Лев Федорович | Radloff Leopold Karl Theodor | 1818–1865 | studied philology; schoolmaster, cultural anthropologist, and ethnolinguist |
192 | Радлов Эрнест Львович / Леопольдович | Radloff / Radlov E. L. | 1854–1928 | studied Classics; student of Plato and Aristotle, translator, historian of Greek ethics. Director of the Public Library; last editor of ŽMNP |
193 | Ростовцев Михаил Иванович | Rostowzew (нем.) / Rostovtzeff (англо-фр.) / Rostovcev Mikhail | 1870–1952 | studied Classics; lecturer, student of social and economic history of antiquity, archaeologist, papyrologist, art historian; from Yale, excavations in Doura-Europos |
194 | Рудаков Василий Егорович | Rudakov V. E. | 1864–1913 | historian, contributed to the Brockhaus‑Efron Encyclopaedic Dictionary; translator, journalist |
195 | Румянцев Николай Петрович, граф | Rumjancev / Rumiantsov / Romanzoff N. P., count | 1754–1826 | nobleman and civil servant; energetic collector of materials pertaining to the history of Russia and ancient coins; driving force behind a learned circle of his name |
196 | Сабуров Петр Александрович | Saburov P. A. | 1835–1918 | nobleman, in diplomatic service; collector of Tanagra terracotta figurines acquired by the Hermitage |
197 | Садов Александр Иванович | Sadov A. I. | 1850–1930 | studied theology and Classics, Church historian and lexicologist |
198 | Санчурский Николай Васильевич | Sančurskij N. V. | 1856–1906 | philologist; schoolmaster, author of Latin readers and manuals |
199 | Селиванов Сергей Андреевич | Selivanov S. A. | 1864–1908 | historian, epigraphist, and archaeologist |
200 | Семёнов Анатолий Федорович | Semenov A. F. | 1863–not before1928 | philologist, epigraphist, schoolmaster, literary historian |
201 | Семёнов-Тян Шанский Андрей Петрович | Semenov-Tjan-Šanskij A. P. | 1866–1942 | studied natural sciences; devoted translator of Horace |
202 | Сибирский Александр Александрович | Sibirsky A. A., prince | 1824?–1879 | nobleman; numismatist, archaeologist of the Black Sea region |
203 | Смирнов Яков Иванович | Smirnov Ja. I. | 1869–1918 | studied Classics; student of archaeology and Classical art, collection keeper, on board of trustees of the Hermitage, e. g. on the night of October 25th, 1917 |
204 | Соколов Иван Яковлевич | Sokolov I. Ja. | ca.1798– 1848 | philologist, lecturer, and librarian |
205 | Соколов Петр Петрович | Sokolov P. P. | 1878–not before1932 | philologist, schoolmaster |
206 | Соколов Федор Федорович | Sokolow Th. Th. / Sokolov F. F. | 1841–1909 | studied history and Classics, historian, epigraphist, archaeologist, lecturer |
207 | Стасюлевич Михаил Матвеевич | Stasjulevič M. M. | 1826–1911 | studied history; schoolmaster and lecturer, tutor to the royal family; publisher of thrift editions of Russian library, consistent Europeanist |
208 | Стефани Лудольф Эдуардович | Stephani L. Ed. | 1816–1887 | studied Classics and archaeology in Leipzig; epigraphist, keeper of the Hermitage collections, art historian |
209 | Страхов Николай Николаевич | Strachov N. N. | 1828–1896 | studied natural sciences; bibliophile, translator of neo-Kantian philosophy |
210 | Строганов Сергей Григорьевич, граф | Stroganoff S. G., count | 1794–1882 | nobleman, conservative statesman; avid collector, trustee of the Archaeological Commission |
211 | Струве Федор Аристович | Struve Jakob Theodor | 1816–1885 | Danish national; philologist, schoolmaster and lecturer, epigraphist, historian of art and literature |
212 | Тизенгаузен Владимир Густавович, барон | Tiesenhausen Ernst Woldemar, Baron von | 1825–1902 | orientalist, numismatist, archaeologist, member of the Archaeological Commission |
213 | Толстой Дмитрий Андреевич, граф | Tolstoy D. A., count | 1823–1889 | civil servant; conservative reformer of schooling in Russia along the lines of countrywide compulsory introduction of Classics |
214 | Толстой Иван Иванович-ст., граф | Tolstoy / Tolstoi I. I., count | 1858–1916 | studied law; student of archaeology and numismatics, collector, civil servant |
215 | Тресс Карл Михайлович | Tress Carl / Karl | 1849?–1886 | philologist; schoolmaster, student of Latin syntax |
216 | Турчинович Александр Адольфович | Turčinovič A. A. | 1870– winter 1941/1942 | philologist; schoolmaster, author of schoolroom readers and commentaries |
217 | Уваров Алексей Сергеевич, граф | Ouvaroff / Uvarov A. S., count | 1825–1884 | archaeologist, collector, president of the Archaeological Society in Moscow (MAO); son of S. S. Uvarov |
218 | Уваров Сергей Семенович, граф | Ouvaroff / Uwarow / Uvarov S. S., count | 1786–1855 | nobleman, in diplomatic and civil service; correspondent of Goethe and W. von Humboldt, student of archaeology, pupil of Th. Graefe; private scholar, collector, bibliophile |
219 | Уварова Прасковья Сергеевна, графиня | Ouvaroff / Uvarova P. S., countess | 1840–1924 | student of history and archaeology, collector, patron of the Archaeological Society in Moscow (MAO) after death of her husband A. S. Uvarov |
220 | Успенский Федор Иванович | Ouspensky / Uspenskij Th. I. | 1845–1928 | historian of Byzantium, founder of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople (RAIK) |
221 | Фармаковский Борис Владимирович | Farmakovskij B. V. | 1870–1928 | archaeologist; excavated in Olbia, ancient art historian, organiser within the system of archaeological research |
222 | Фармаковский Мстислав Владимирович | Farmakovskij M. V. | 1873–1946 | archaeologist, artist, restorer of antiques |
223 | Фет Афанасий Афанасьевич | Foeth / Fet A. | 1820–1892 | lyric poet and extensive translator of Roman poetry in Russian; as literary critic published on the role of classicism in secondary education |
224 | Фогель Андрей Магнусович | Fogel’ / Vogel Andreas | 1852–1897 | philologist; schoolmaster across the country |
225 | Фок(к)ов Николай Федорович | Fokkov N. F. | 1839 (1838?)– 1902 | philologist, translator; left commentaries on sundry ancient authors |
226 | Фохт Рихард Августович | Voigt Iohann Richard Georg / Focht R. A. | 1834–1914 | philologist; classics schoolmaster in Annenschule and at Historic Philological Institute in Nezhin, Ukraine |
227 | Фрейтаг Федор Карлович | Freytag Th. Fr. | 1800–1859? | philologist; lectured on Roman literature, librarian at the Hermitage |
228 | Фризендорф Эрнст Эдуардович | Friesendorff Ernst Friedrich Eduard | 1847–1934 | philologist, pedagogue, principal of Petrischule |
229 | Хилинский Константин Владимирович / Викентьевич | Chyliński Konstanty | 1881–1939 | historian of Greece, later in life active in Poland |
230 | Холодняк Иван Ильич | Cholodniak I. I. | 1857–1913 | philologist; editor of Latin texts, incl. epigraphic, versatile translator of Latin prose |
231 | Холодняк Мария Александровна | Cholodniak M. A. | 1867–not before1928 | philologist and schoolmistress, taught at Bestuzhev courses, her alma mater |
232 | Цветаев Иван Владимирович | Zvetaieff / Zwetajew / Cvetaev I. V. | 1847–1913 | epigraphist and student of Oscan inscriptions; art expert, founder of the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow; father of Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva |
233 | Церетели Григорий Филимонович | Zereteli / Cereteli G. F. | 1870–not before March 1938 | philologist, palaeographer, papyrologist, literary historian, translator from Greek and Latin |
234 | Цыбульский Степан Осипович | Cybulski Stefan Sylweriusz | 1858–1937 | philologist, pedagogue; one of the editors of the journal Germes; compiler of visual tables on Classics for the schoolroom; left for Poland |
235 | Шад Герман Иванович | Schad Hermann Friedrich Gustav | 1801 or 1802– 1846 | schoolmaster, compiler of Greek and Latin manuals; son of more famous G. Fichte follower |
236 | Шебор Осип Антонович | Schebor / Šebor Joseph | 1848–1928 | philologist; schoolmaster and compiler of readers, with a penchant for textual criticism; ended his life in Czechoslovakia |
237 | Шлиман Генрих / Андрей Аристович / Эрастович | Schliemann Heinrich | 1822–1890 | businessman, adventurer, polyglot; a self-taught scholar of immense energy, discoverer of Mycenaean culture; creator of his own life story, i. a. in Russia (1846–1866) |
238 | Шлиттер Эдуард Егорович | Schlü(t)ter Christian Eduard | 1800–1848 | studied theology and philosophy, schoolmaster, and University lecturer |
239 | Шмид(т) Георг / Егор Карлович | Schmid Georg Karl Richard | 1836–1912 | philologist, historian of education (incl. women’ education) and scholarship in Russia; published in German, Latin, and Russian |
240 | Шмит Федор Иванович | Schmit Th. / Šmit F. I. | 1877–1937 | art historian, archaeologist, esp. of Byzantium; director of the Institute for History of Arts in the 1920ies |
241 | Шнейдер Василий Васильевич | Schneider August Wilhelm | 1793–1872 | studied law, lectured in Roman law; Latin schoolmaster and principal |
242 | Шрамек Иван Федорович | Šrámek Jan | 1818–1884 | philologist, author of textbooks |
243 | Штейнман Иван Богданович | Steinmann Johannes Friedrich | 1819–1872 | schoolmaster and principal, historian of language, educationalist |
244 | Штёкгардт Роман Андреевич / Генрих Романович и др. | Stöckhardt Heinrich Robert | 1802–1848 | German national; studied law, Latin schoolmaster, delivered Latin addresses on occasion |
245 | Щербина Николай Федорович | Ščerbina N. F. | 1821–1869 | of Greek ancestry; Russian poet and patriot of Ancient Greece |
246 | Щукарёв Александр Николаевич | Stschoukareff / Ščukarev A. N. | 1861–1900 | historian, epigraphist, archaeologist, art expert, member of the N. P. Kondakov circle |
247 | Эйхвальд Эдуард Иванович | Eichwald Eduard von | 1795–1876? | studied natural sciences, palaeontologist, historian of Eurasian fauna incl. antiquity |
248 | Энман Александр Федорович | Enmann Alexander | 1856–1903 | studied history in Dorpat; historian of texts (reconstructed an important source of SHA, hence Enmannsche Quelle); librarian at the Academy of Sciences in SPb |
249 | Янчевецкий Василий Григорьевич | Jančeveckij V. G. | 1874–1954 | studied philology, schoolmaster, writer of historical novels, known to readership of the Soviet time as Vassily Jan |
250 | Яроцкий Василий Яковлевич | Jarockij V. Ja. | 1824–1897 | philologist; lecturer in Classics and Slavic languages |
Бузескул Владислав Петрович | Busescul / Buzeskul V. P. | 1858–1931 | professor of ancient history at Charkow university; wrote massively on the history of classic scholarship in Russia and Europe |