Проект:Словники/Словарь петербургских антиковедов

Перечень статей 3-х томного справочника «Словарь петербургских антиковедов XIX — начала XX века, содержащего жизнеописания 250 петербургских или связанных с Петербургом учёных, педагогов, деятелей искусства и литературы, внесших вклад в развитие отечественного антиковедения.

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* {{Книга:Словарь петербургских антиковедов|том = |автор = |автор линк= |часть = |стр = |ref= }}
1 Айналов Дмитрий Власьевич Ainaloff / Ajnalov D. V. 1862–1939 student of Byzantium and Early Russian art, art historian and critic; Hermitage Dutch collection keeper
2 Аландский Павел Иванович Alandskij P. I. 1844–1883 Greek studies; embraced advances in psychology, held positions at different universities; talented public lecturer
3 Алексеев Василий Алексеевич Alekseev V. A. 1863–1919 prolific translator from Classical languages, at times overhasty and not always to be relied on
4 Андреев Иван Дмитриевич Andreev I. D. 1867–1927 Church historian and student of Byzantium, contributor to the Brockhaus–Efron Encyclopaedic Dictionary
5 Аничков Николай Милиевич Aničkov N. M. 1844–1916 educationalist; preferred civil service to teaching, active in Veliky Novgorod and SPb
6 Анненский Иннокентий Федорович Annenskij I. F. 1855–1909 Russian symbolist poet and literary critic, translator of the extant plays of Euripides; playwright
7 Ардашев Павел Николаевич Ardacheff / Ardašev P. N. 1865–1924 historian, studied Cicero in historical context; published on French history; a diary in Latin
8 Астафьев Николай Александрович Astafjev N. A. 1825–1906 historian of classical antiquity; a believer, Society for the propagation of the Bible member
9 Бауер / Бауэр Василий Васильевич Bauer V. V. 1833–1884 student of modern and ancient history, esp. history of Ancient Greece, inspiring lecturer; tutor to the royal family
10 Бекштрем Альберт Густавович Bäckström / Bekštrem Albert Johann Wilhelm 1862–1919 palaeographer, papyrologist, historian of Hellenistic medicine; published medical papyri, studied medicine in Dorpat; later studies in Etruscan language
11 Белен де Баллю Яков Яковлевич Belin de Ballu Jacques Nicolas 1753–1815 philologist, translator of Greek authors into French; taught languages in the Southern provinces of Russia
12 Бе(л)люстин Никита Федорович Belustin / Beljustin N. F. 1784–1841 philologist, author of Latin textbooks, lifelong teacher of Latin
13 Беляев Дмитрий Федорович Beljaev D. F. 1846–1901 philologist, historian of material culture of Byzantium; enthusiastic schoolmaster
14 Бенешевич Владимир Николаевич Beneszewicz / Beneševič V. N. 1874–1938 historian of ecclesiastic and civil law of Byzantium, palaeographer, codicologist; keeper of Greek mss. at the Imperial Public library
15 Берен(д)т Карл Романович Beren(d)t K. R. 1862–1930 philologist, author of textbooks and readers; bibliographer for the better part of his life
16 Благовещенский Николай Михайлович Blagoveščenskij N. M. 1821–1892 historian of ancient literature, art, and material culture; influential lecturer at SPb Univ., public figure
17 Блуменау Леонид Васильевич Blumenau L. V. 1862–1931 neurologist by training; published on physiology of the brain; offered set translations of the Palatine Anthology
18 Бобринский Алексей Александрович, граф Bobrinskij A. A., count 1852–1927 nobleman, civil servant; chairman of the Imperial Archaeological Commission and practicing archaeologist
19 Боголепов Николай Павлович Bogolepov N. P. 1846–1901 lawyer by training; statesman, historian of Roman law, educationalist; minister of education attacked by a student
20 Болотов Василий Васильевич Bolotov V. V. 1854–1900 historian of Early Orthodox Church, student of dogmatics and chronology, remarkable polyglot
21 Брандт Иоганн Фридрих / Федор Федорович Brandt Johann Friedrich von 1802–1879 studied medicine; botanist, director of Zoological museum; drew on classical sources in his studies of the habitat of ancient flora and fauna
22 Бриллиантов Александр Иванович Brilliantov A. I. 1867– ca.1933 Church historian, student of theology of Johannes Scotus Erigena
23 Брок Артур Александрович Brock Arthur Heinrich von 1867–1935 philologist, schoolmaster, and educationalist of a Humboldtian strain
24 Бронзов Александр Александрович Bronzov A. A. 1858– 1936/1937 historian of the Church and Christian literature, Christian ethics, prolific writer in scholarly journals
25 Брут Александр Иванович Brut A. I. 1800–1873 philologist; taught geography, history, and statistics
26 Бэр Карл Максимович Baer / Bär Karl Ernst von 1792–1876 natural scientist and philosopher, founder of embryology; palaeontologist, ethnographer, geographer; travelled i. a. the Black Sea region with a copy of Homer
27 Вальтер Федор Андреевич Walther Theodor Chr. Fr. L. ca.1808– 1886 philologist, schoolmaster; versifier in Latin and German; student of modern history, bibliographer
28 Варнеке Борис Васильевич Warne(c)ke B. V. 1874–1944 philologist, historian of Roman theatre; a keen observer and author of memoirs
29 Васильевский Василий Григорьевич Wassiliewsky / Vasiljevskij V. G. 1838–1899 prominent Byzantinist and historian of Rome, who began with history of Ancient Greece; editor in chief of ŽMNP (the Journal of the Ministry for Public Education)
30 Введенский Александр Иванович Vvedensky / Vvedenskij A. I. 1856–1925 Kantian philosopher, logician, historian of philosophy and ancient thought
31 Ведров Владимир Максимович Vedrov V. M. 1824–1892 historian of antiquity; censor
32 Вейсман Александр Давидович Vejsman A. D. 1834–1913 lexicographer, compiler of a Learner’s Greek‑Russian Lexicon, still in print
33 Вересаев Викентий Викентьевич Veresaev V. V. (pseud. of Smidovič) 1867–1945 studied history and medicine; writer and journal editor, essayist, translator of Greek lyric poets, Homer and Hesiod
34 Верт Эдмунд Альбертович Werth Reinhold Alexander 1839–1907 philologist, textual critic, epigraphist
35 Веселовский Александр Николаевич Wesselofsky / Veselovskij A. N. 1838–1906 studied philology; student of comparative literature, folklore, championed historical poetics
36 Веселовский Николай Иванович Veselovskij N. I. 1848–1918 historian and orientalist, archaeologist, led excavations in the Southern regions of Russian empire
37 Ветнек Евгений Иванович Weetneek / Vietnieks E. 1870–1923 philologist, schoolmaster and principal in Odessa and SPb
38 Видеман Фридрих Эрнестович Wiedemann Friedrich 1869– 1918/1919 philologist, epigraphist, student of early Greek writing
39 Владиславлев Михаил Иванович Vladislavlev M. I. 1840–1890 studied and lectured in philosophy and history of philosophy, logics, psychology; studied Plotinus
40 Водовозов Василий Иванович Vodovozov V. I. 1825–1886 schoolmaster and pedagogue; essayist, translator of ancient poetry
41 Воеводский Леопольд Францевич Wojewódzki Leopold 1846–1901 philologist, historian of myth, ethics and culture of archaic Greece
42 Востоков Александр Христофорович Vostokov A. Ch. 1781–1864 studied history of art; coined the term ‘Old Church Slavonic’; enriched Russian tradition with his translations of ancient poetry
43 Вульфиус Герман Германович Wulffius Hermann Immanuel 1865–1893 archaeologist, art critic, philologist in the tradition of Altertumswissenschaft
44 Галич Александр Иванович Galič A. I. 1783–1848 student of philosophy, esp. of Romantic aesthetics; Latin teacher in the elite Russian institutions of the epoch
45 Гартман Николай Hartmann Nicolai / Nicolaus 1882–1950 studied history and philosophy in SPb and Marburg; philosopher and historian of philosophy (taught in Marburg, Köln, Berlin, Göttingen)
46 Гар(т)ц Федор Андреевич Gartz / Hartz F. A. 1880–1920 schoolmaster, Greek scholar, who taught for some years optional Greek at the 6th gymnasium in SPb
47 Гаффнер Эдуард Иванович Haffner Johann Samuel Eduard 1804–1889 studied theology in Dorpat; educationalist active in Dorpat, Rostock, and SPb
48 Гедеонов Степан Александрович Gedeonov S. A. ca.1815– 1878 studied philology; the first director of the Hermitage, acquired classical works of art for its collections en masse, student of Early Russian history and art
49 Гедике Федор Федорович Gaedicke Johann Friedrich 1783–1822 philologist, teacher of ancient languages
50 Гельбке Фридрих Фердинандович Gelbcke Carl Friedrich 1842–1922 philologist, schoolmaster and educationalist, fond of Pestalozzi system
51 Гельвих Николай Августович Hellwig N. 1868–1929 studied philology; studies in Early Latin, esp. Plautus, historical grammar
52 Гельд Герман Готфридович Held Hermann 1875–1938 philologist, schoolmaster, bibliographer; student of reception of antiquity in Russian poetry
53 Ген / Хен Виктор Евстафьевич Hehn Victor Amandus 1813–1890 studied philology in Dorpat; historian of culture of Humboldtian mindset, working on the crossroads of ethnography, classics and natural sciences
54 Георгиевский Александр Иванович Georgievskij A. I. 1830–1911 studied history; civil servant, protective advocate of official classicism
55 Георгиевский Лев Александрович Georgievskij L. A. 1860–1926 philologist, schoolmaster; officer in educational reform projects; wrote text-books
56 Георгиевский Михаил Александрович Georgievskij M. A. 1863–1903 studied philology, teacher
57 Гиль Христиан Христианович Giel Christian 1837–1908 numismatist, collected and studied ancient and Russian coins; connected with the family of I. I. Tolstoy sen.
58 Гинтовт Степан Иванович Gintovt S. I. 1861–1918 philologist, schoolmaster; co editor of Germes, a Russian classical journal for the general public
59 Гинцбург Николай Семенович Ginzburg N. S. 1867–1933 philologist, translator of Vergil and Horace
60 Глориантов Никандр Иванович Gloriantov N. I. 1828–1898 Church historian; taught physics and Latin
61 Глубоковский Николай Никанорович Glubokovskij N. N. 1863–1937 Church historian and biblical scholar, expounder of the Scripture, editor of the Pravoslavnaja Encyclopaedia
62 Гнедич Николай Иванович Gnedich / Gnedič N. I. 1784–1833 original Russian poet with a solid knowledge of Greek and lifelong engagement with the Ilias, who yielded a yet unrivalled translation in hexameters
63 Гофман Август Адольфович Hoffmann Johann Jakob Karl August 1829–1897 philologist, schoolmaster, educationalist active across the country
64 Графф Герман Вильгельмович / Александрович Graff Hermann Wilhelm Alexander 1829–1879 philologist, schoolmaster
65 Грацилевский Иван Михайлович Gracilevskij I. M. 1794–1838 studied philology; orientalist, Latin teacher
66 Гревс Иван Михайлович Grevs I. M. 1860–1941 studied history; student of Rome and Early Middle Ages, ancient art and architecture; lecturer, involved in areal studies movement
67 Грефе Герман Федорович Graefe Hermann 1830–1873 studied philosophy, philology, and archaeology; schoolmaster
68 Грефе Федор Богданович Graefe Christian Friedrich 1780–1851 studied Classics under Gottfried Hermann; Greek lecturer, the founder of the Classics Dept. at SPb Univ.
69 Григорьев Василий Васильевич Grigorjev V. V. 1816–1881 orientalist, civil servant, numismatist; historian and geographer of the Middle East and of the Northern coast of the Black Sea, a historian of S.-Petersburg University
70 Гримм Александр Иванович Grimm Al. I. 1819–1884 numismatist and collection keeper at the Hermitage, librarian
71 Гримм Антон Иванович Grimm Johann Anton Joachim 1792–1846 studied philosophy, theology, and Classics; lecturer
72 Гримм Давид Давидович Grimm D. D. 1864–1941 studied law; lectured and published in Roman law, engaged in party politics under the colours of centrist constitutional democracy
73 Гримм Эрвин Давидович Grimm E. D. 1870–1940 historian of Roman state, lecturer; engaged in party politics to preserve the integrity of SPb Univ.
74 Гуревич Яков Григорьевич Gurevič Ja. G. 1843(1841)– 1906 schoolmaster and principal; published in history of the ancient world, editor of Russkaya shkola periodical
75 Давыдов Иван Иванович Davydov I. I. 1792(1794)– 1863 studied philology and natural sciences; lectured in philosophy; educationalist (important for GPI)
76 Дашков Дмитрий Васильевич Daškov D. V. after1788– 1839 civil servant; man of letters, pastime translator
77 Делянов Иван Давыдович Deljanov I. D. 1817–1897 civil servant; director of the Imperial Public library, conservative public education minister
78 Дестунис Гавриил Спиридонович Destounis G. S. 1818–1895 studied philology; Byzantinist, translator; sympathized with comparative literature studies
79 Дестунис Спиридон Юрьевич Destounis S. Ju. 1782–1848 Greek national; diplomat; translator of Plutarch in Russian, did groundwork for studies of Byzantium in Russia
80 Дмитриевский Алексей Афанасьевич Dmitrievskij A. A. 1856–1929 studied Christian rites of worship and liturgical texts, palaeography, engaged in the Orthodox Palestine Society
81 Добиаш Рождественская Ольга Антоновна Dobiache-Rojdestvensky / Dobiaš-Roždestvenskaja O. A. 1874–1939 historian, mediaevalist, Latin palaeographer; first woman in Russia to receive PhD in history and to become a corresponding member of the Russian (Soviet) Academy of Sciences
82 Ернштедт Виктор Карлович Jernstedt / Jernstädt V. K. 1854–1902 studied philology; lecturer, palaeographer, textual critic and editor of Greek texts
83 Жданов Сергей Николаевич Ždanov S. N. 1850–1903 philologist; studies in Greek language, esp. its accentuation; comparative linguistics
84 Жебелёв Сергей Александрович Zhebelev / Gébélev / Žebelev S. A. 1867–1941 studied philology; student of political history of Hellenistic Greece; religion and archaeology; epigraphist, art historian, annalist of Russian classical scholarship
85 Жил(л)ь Флориан / Флоран Антонович Gi(l)le Florent Antoin de 1801–1865 Swiss national; tutor to the royal family; head of the 1st Section of the Hermitage, keeper of the collection of Black Sea antiques
86 Жобар Иван Клавдиевич Jobard Jean Baptiste Alphonse after1791–not before1861 French national; lecturer in French, Latin, and Greek across the country; corresponded with A. Pushkin after the scandal with count S. S. Ouvaroff
87 Жуковский Василий Андреевич Zhukovskij / Schukowsky / Žukovskij V. A. 1783–1852 celebrated sentimental and romantic poet, translator i. a. of the Odyssey from German interlinear
88 Зелинский Фаддей Францевич Zielinski (нем.) / Zieliński (польск.) Thaddäus 1859–1944 philologist and historian of classical culture of broadest scope; lecturer, researcher, and champion of Classics in Russia and Poland
89 Зенгер Григорий Эдуардович Sänger G. 1853–1919 philologist, textual critic, neo-Latin poet, and educationalist
90 Зоргенфрей Густав Густавович Sorgenfrey G. 1871–1930 philologist, schoolmaster and lecturer, educationalist; director of the 6th Gymnasium
91 Иванов Вячеслав Иванович Ivanov Venceslao 1866–1949 studied Classics; thesis under Th. Mommsen; historian of Dionysiac cults, adherent to Nietzsche, poet, translator, ideologist of Symbolism
92 Иванов Сергей Андреевич Ivanoff Sergio 1822–1877 trained as an architect and draughtsman, worked on reconstructions in Rome, Pompeii, Athens, and Olympia
93 Иверсен Юлий Богданович Iversen Julius Gottlob 1823–1900 schoolmaster; numismatist, keeper of the Hermitage coin cabinet, collector of medals and coins
94 Иконом(ос) Константин Ikonom(os) / Œkonomides K. 1780–1857 Greek national; career in Church, theologian and philologist, promoter of philhellenism in Russia
95 Ионин Александр Осипович Ionin A. O. 1834–1882 studied Classics, schoolmaster
96 Каль Алексей Федорович Kahl / Kall Alexis 1878–1948 philologist; musicologist, student of the ancient theories of music, lecturer and schoolmaster
97 Каринский Михаил Иванович Karinskij M. I. 1840–1917 lectured in logics and epistemology at SPb Spiritual Academy; published on Pre-Socratic and Hellenistic philosophy
98 Карпов Василий Николаевич Karpov V. N. 1798–1867 studied philosophy; lecturer, translated the whole body of Plato’s dialogues
99 Касторский Михаил Иванович Kastorskij M. I. 1807–1866 studied philology; interest in Aristotle; inspired by the idea of Slavic Renaissance, he studied Slavic rituals
100 Кедров Константин Васильевич Kedrov K. V. after1827– 1903 philologist, schoolmaster and principal, tutor to the royal family; educationalist
101 Кёлер Егор Егорович / Генрих Карлович Koehler / Köhler Heinrich Karl Ernst 1765–1837 German national; studied law and philology; keeper of antiques at the Hermitage, director of the 1st Section, promoted archaeological studies in the Black Sea region
102 Кёниг Иосиф Иосифович König Joseph 1845–1910 studied Classics in Austria; schoolmaster and principal of Annenschule in SPb
103 Кёниг Осип Осипович König Ossip 1831–1894 German national; philologist, Latin schoolmaster
104 Кёппен Петр Иванович Koeppen / Köppen Peter 1793–1864 studied law; archaeologist, studying in particular ancient monuments of the North Black Sea region
105 Кёрбер Эдуард Юлиевич Körber Eduard 1848–1913 studied Classics in Dorpat; schoolmaster
106 Кесслер Эрнест Эрнестович Kessler Ernst Karl Theodor 1842–1896 philologist, schoolmaster, author of a salient school manual on Latin syntax
107 Кизерицкий Гангольф Егорович Kieseri(t)zky R. G. Gangolf von 1847–1903 studied Classics in Dorpat; art expert, keeper and cataloguer of the Hermitage collections of antiques
108 Кирхнер Юлий Богданович Kirchner Julius 1823–1907 studied theology and philology in Halle; schoolmaster and principal of Annenschule; father of Iohannes Kirchner
109 Клас(с)овский Владимир Игнатьевич Klassovskij V. I. 1815–1877 studied philosophy; schoolmaster, published on classical antiquity for broader public
110 Клеменчич Осип Юрьевич Klemenčič Jožef 1848– after1906 studied Classics in Vienna; schoolmaster
111 «Козьма Прутков» Koz’ma Prutkov 1801–1863 a fictional character conceived by Alexei Tolstoy and Žemčužnikov brothers; a bureaucrat and a wit, exposing stiff Classicism
112 Кондаков Никодим Павлович Kondakoff / Kondakov N. P. 1844–1925 historian of art; guiding spirit of Russian art history; archaeologist, student of Byzantine art, historian of icon-painting; Seminarium Kondakovianum in Prague
113 Константин Константинович (К. Романов), вел. кн. Konstantin Konstantinovič (Romanov), Grand Duke 1858–1915 a royal; president of the Academy of Sciences; poet, translator, and playwright, published under the acronym KR
114 Коссович Игнатий Андреевич Kossovič I. A. 1808 (1811?)– 1878 philologist, schoolmaster; amateur poet
115 Коссович Каэтан Андреевич Kossovič K. A. 1814–1883 philologist, Hebraist and Sanskritologist; bibliographer at the Public Library in SPb
116 Кочубей Василий Викторович Kotchoubey / Kočubej V. V. 1812–1850 civil servant at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs; collector of coins
117 Кошанский Николай Федорович Koschansky / Košanskij Nicolaus 1784 (1781?)– 1831 studied philosophy; schoolmaster (among others of A. S.Pushkin), translator
118 Краснов Платон Николаевич Krasnov P. N. 1866–1924 studied physics and mathematics; officer at the Ministry for Ways and Means of Transport; literary critic, amateur translator of ancient authors
119 Краузе Владимир Маркович Krause V. M. 1858–1901 studied philology; schoolmaster, self-styled translator, editor
120 Крашенинников Михаил Никитич Krascheninnikov / Krašeninnikov M. 1865–1932 studied Classics; textual critic, epigraphist, palaeographer, Byzantinist; editor of Procopius
121 Крешев Иван Петрович Krešev I. P. 1824–1859 studied philosophy and law; journalist, poet and translator
122 Круг Филипп Иванович Krug Johann Philipp 1764–1844 German national; tutor, numismatist, keeper of the Hermitage coin collection; expert in Russian and Byzantine chronology
123 Крылов Александр Лукич Krylov A. L. 1798–1853 philologist; lectured in history, geography, and statistics; censor
124 Кузмин Михаил Алексеевич Kuzmin M. A. 1872–1936 symbolist and Acmeist poet; original composer of music, master of literary stylization
125 Кульман Елисавета Борисовна Kulmann Elisabeth 1808–1825 precocious child-polyglot, translator and poet
126 Куторга Михаил Семенович K(o)utorga / Kutorha M. Sem. 1809–1886 studied in SPb, Dorpat and abroad; the first Russian national to become an original historian of Ancient Greece, struggling for nonpartisan critical thinking
127 Куторга Михаил Степанович Kutorga M. Step. 1853–1905 philologist, schoolmaster; editor of the works of his uncle M. Sem. Kutorga
128 Лавровский Николай Алексеевич Lavrovskij N. A. 1825?–1899 philologist, lecturer, educationalist; studies in Slavic and Middle Greek philology
129 Лапшин Григорий Иванович Lapšin G. I. 1813–1884 studied philology; skilled schoolmaster, drilled students in basic Latin to prepare them for higher studies
130 Латышев Василий Васильевич Latys(c)hev / Latyšev V. V. 1855–1921 philologist, epigraphist; single handed editor of the Black Sea region inscriptions (IosPE I–II, IV), student of Byzantine hagiography; civil servant and director of IFI
131 Лебединский Иван Иванович Lebedinskij I. I. 1820?–1876 studied philology, schoolmaster, Latin lexicographer
132 Лёве Евгений Августович Loewe (Loev) Eugen von 1856–1916 studied Classics in Dorpat; schoolmaster, wrote on Theognis
133 Лемониус Вильгельм Христианович Lemonius Wilhelm 1817–1903 philologist, schoolmaster and principal of the 3rd Gymnasium
134 Лёпер Роман (Роберт) Христианович Loeper Robert Georg Christian 1864–1918 philologist and historian, schoolmaster; student of epigraphy and archaeology of Athens and Black Sea region
135 Лихачёв Николай Петрович Likhachev / Lichačev N. P. 1862–1936 historian of writing and of the book, palaeographer, art expert; collector of icons and documents on a grand scale
136 Ловягин Александр Иванович Lovjagin A. I. 1870–1925 studied history; schoolmaster, bibliographer, translator
137 Ловягин Евграф Иванович Lovjagin E. I. 1822–1909 studied theology; philologist, translator
138 Лопарёв Хрисанф Мефодиевич Loparev Ch. M. 1862–1918 philologist, palaeographer, bibliographer, student of Byzantine hagiography
139 Лоренц Фридрих Карлович Loren(t)z Friedrich 1803–1861 German national; lecturer, schoolmaster and principal of Petrischule; lectured at the GPI
140 Луньяк Иван Иванович Luňák Jan 1847–1935 philologist; lecturer and schoolmaster; left for the Univ. of Ljubljana
141 Люгебиль Карл Якимович Lugebil Karl Heinrich 1830–1887 philologist; teacher and lecturer; subject areas included historical grammar, epigraphy, history of art
142 Люперсольский Петр Иванович Ljupersol’skij P. I. 1836–1903 studied theology and history; lecturer, published on history of Classical Greece
143 Лютер Федор Александрович Luther Theodor Wilhelm Dieter 1864– 1918/1919 philologist; schoolmaster, involved in the activities of the Society of Classical philology and pedagogy in SPb
144 Ляпунов Юрий Сергеевич Ljapunov Ju. S. 1893–1920 studied Classics; cut short in his career of Latin and Greek studies by typhoid fever contracted shortly after the draft
145 Майков Аполлон Николаевич Majkov A. N. 1821–1897 studied law; poet with an eye of a painter idealizing the classical world and popular for it; censor
146 Малеин Александр Иустинович Malein A. I. 1869–1938 studied Classics; majored in palaeography and Roman literature; bibliographer, historian of Classics in Russia (i. a. overview for J. E. Sandys)
147 Манштейн Сергей Андреевич Manštejn S. A. 1860?–1931 philologist; schoolmaster, editor of schoolroom reader series
148 Мартынов Иван Иванович Martynov I. I. 1771–1833 studied theology; philhellenist and prolific translator of Greek authors; educationalist
149 Мей Лев Александрович Mey / Mej L. A. 1822–1862 original poet as well as enthusiastic translator
150 Меклер Георгий Карлович Mekler Georg 1858–1915 studied Classics in Dorpat; lecturer and schoolmaster
151 Менщиков Арсений Иванович Menščikov A. I. 1807–1884 philologist; lectured in Classics and Byzantine literature
152 Мережковский Дмитрий Сергеевич Merezhkovsky / Merežkovskij D. S. 1865–1941 studied Classics; Symbolist poet, translator of Greek tragedies, historical novelist, literary critic and essayist; religious thinker; émigré (France)
153 Миддендорф Федор Иванович Middendorff Theodor Johann 1776–1856 studied theology and Classics in Jena; eccentric schoolmaster and efficient principal
154 Миллер Лукиан Адамович Müller Lucian 1836–1898 studied Classics in Berlin; textual critic and editor of Lucilius, Phaedrus, Nonus, Ennius, and esp. Horace, student of Latin style and metrics
155 Минский Николай Максимович Minskij N. M. 1856(1855)– 1937 studied law; decadent poet, attempted more accessible Russian translation of the Ilias (as opposed to that by N. Gnedich)
156 Митрофанов Павел Павлович Mitrofanov P. P. 1873–1917 studied philology and history; lecturer and Latin schoolmaster in the Nicolaus Gymnasium at Tsarskoye Selo; historian of the 18th century Europe
157 Модестов Василий Алексеевич Modestov V. A. late1810s – not before1870 studied theology; schoolmaster, historian, and translator
158 Модестов Василий Иванович Modestov V. I. 1839–1907 studied philology; historian of Early Rome and Roman literature, lecturer, translator of Tacitus; moved to Italy, connoisseur of antiques
159 Мор Яков Григорьевич Mor(r) Jakob 1840–1914 studied philology in Dorpat; schoolmaster and principal; published on methods of teaching ancient languages
160 Муравьёв-Апостол Иван Матвеевич Mouraviev-Apostol I. M. after1762– 1851 civil servant; bibliophile and translator, stirred interest to history and geography of the Crimea by his Tauris journey log
161 Муральт Эдуард Гаспарович Muralt Eduard von 1808–1895 Swiss national; Byzantinist, palaeographer, bibliographer, connoisseur of antiques
162 Мусселиус Владимир Васильевич / Вольдемар Александр Вильгельмович Musselius Woldemar Alexander 1846–not before1916 studied philology in Dorpat; Latin schoolmaster, lexicographer, compiler of Russian–Latin lexicon for schoolroom translations
163 Наук Август Карлович Nauck Johann August 1822–1892 studied Classics in Halle; lecturer at Historic-Philological Institute; editor of Greek texts and fragments, master of textual criticism; editor of the series MGR
164 Нейлисов Константин Фемистоклович Nejlisov K. F. 1828–1887 Greek national; philologist, schoolmaster
165 Никитин Петр Васильевич Nikitin P. V. 1849–1916 Hellenist, historian of Attic theatre; pupil of A. Nauck. Rector of SPb University, vice-president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in SPb
166 Никитский Александр Васильевич Nikitsky / Nikitskij A. V. 1859–1921 studied theology; majored and published in epigraphy and archaeology, lecturer
167 Никольский Борис Владимирович Nikolsky / Nikol’skij B. V. 1870–1919 studied law, historian of Roman law; lecturer, tutor to the royal family; author of remarkable diary
168 Новосадский Николай Иванович Novo(s)sadsky / Novosadskij N. I. 1859–1941 philologist; schoolmaster and lecturer; research in epigraphy and history of Greek cults
169 Новосёлов Александр Григорьевич Novoselov A. G. 1834–1887 philologist and schoolmaster
170 Норов Авраам Сергеевич Noroff A. S. 1795–1869 elite corps artilleryman, civil servant; collector of antiques and books, enthusiastic traveller and writer on the Near East; minister of education
171 Носов Петр Михайлович Nosov P. M. 1821–1899 philologist; schoolmaster, compiler of textbooks and readers
172 Оленин Алексей Николаевич Olenin A. N. 1763?–1843 artilleryman, studied history, archaeology, and art history; published on antiques of the Black Sea region; Director of the Public Library and the Academy of Arts; centre of the literary circle
173 Орлов-Давыдов Владимир Петрович Orlov-Davydov V. P. 1809–1882 studied Classics in Edinburgh; civil servant, antiquarian, patron of expeditions, travelled Greece and Asia Minor
174 Павловский Алексей Андреевич Pavlovskij Alexis 1856–1913 studied history; majored in history of Greek and Byzantine art, archaeology, lecturer
175 Пападопуло(с)- Керамевс Афанасий Иванович Papadopoulos Kerameus / Παπαδόπουλος- Κεραμεύς Α. 1856–1912 Greek national educated in Smyrna; philologist, palaeographer active across the Sporades and Asia Minor, bibliographer and bibliophile
176 Перовский Лев Алексеевич Perovskij L. A. 1792–1856 civil servant, minister of the Interior responsible for archaeological excavations
177 Петрушевский Фома Иванович Petruševskij F. I. 1785–1848 mathematician and student of the system of weights and measures; translator of Euclid and Archimedes
178 Петухова Вера Викторовна Petuchova V. V. 1874–1942 philologist, schoolmistress, and lecturer at the Higher Courses for Women in SPb
179 Печерин Владимир Сергеевич Petcherine / Pečerin V. S. 1807–1885 studied Classics; schoolmaster, translator from the Palatine Anthology, fled to Ireland; ordained Catholic; desenchanté
180 Писарев Дмитрий Иванович Pisarev D. I. 1840–1868 studied philology; radical thinker and literary critic of 1860s
181 Покровский Иосиф Алексеевич Pokrovskij I. A. 1868–1920 studied law, historian of Roman law; lecturer
182 Помяловский Иван Васильевич Pomjalovskij I. V. 1845–1906 philologist; lecturer, student of Latin epigraphy, Byzantium, and Palestine
183 Попов Дмитрий Прокофьевич Popov D. P. 1790–1864 philologist; schoolmaster, translator from Ancient and Middle Greek
184 Порфирий (Успенский) Porfirij (Uspenskij) 1804–1885 studied theology, ordained; historian of Early Church and Christian East, collector of manuscripts (played a role in the acquisition of Codex Sinaiticus)
185 Порфиров Петр Федорович Porfirov P. F. 1870?–1903 studied law; poet, elegant translator of Horace
186 Прахов Адриан Викторович Prahoff Adrien 1846–1916 historian of Ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Early Russian art and architecture; lecturer, artist and archaeologist
187 Придик Евгений Мартынович Pridik Eugen Peter 1865–1935 studied Classics in Dorpat; epigraphist, archaeologist, keeper of Hermitage collections and amphora stamps of the Black Sea region (due in unpublished IosPE III)
188 Прозоров Павел Иванович Prozorov P. I. 1862–not before1931 philologist and bibliographer of Greek studies in Russia
189 Пустонский Михаил Васильевич Pustonskij M. V. 1835–1890 schoolmaster and principal
190 Радлов Карл Фридрих (Федор) Radlow / Radloff Karl Friedrich after1782– 1842 German national; philologist, schoolmaster
191 Радлов Леопольд / Лев Федорович Radloff Leopold Karl Theodor 1818–1865 studied philology; schoolmaster, cultural anthropologist, and ethnolinguist
192 Радлов Эрнест Львович / Леопольдович Radloff / Radlov E. L. 1854–1928 studied Classics; student of Plato and Aristotle, translator, historian of Greek ethics. Director of the Public Library; last editor of ŽMNP
193 Ростовцев Михаил Иванович Rostowzew (нем.) / Rostovtzeff (англо-фр.) / Rostovcev Mikhail 1870–1952 studied Classics; lecturer, student of social and economic history of antiquity, archaeologist, papyrologist, art historian; from Yale, excavations in Doura-Europos
194 Рудаков Василий Егорович Rudakov V. E. 1864–1913 historian, contributed to the Brockhaus‑Efron Encyclopaedic Dictionary; translator, journalist
195 Румянцев Николай Петрович, граф Rumjancev / Rumiantsov / Romanzoff N. P., count 1754–1826 nobleman and civil servant; energetic collector of materials pertaining to the history of Russia and ancient coins; driving force behind a learned circle of his name
196 Сабуров Петр Александрович Saburov P. A. 1835–1918 nobleman, in diplomatic service; collector of Tanagra terracotta figurines acquired by the Hermitage
197 Садов Александр Иванович Sadov A. I. 1850–1930 studied theology and Classics, Church historian and lexicologist
198 Санчурский Николай Васильевич Sančurskij N. V. 1856–1906 philologist; schoolmaster, author of Latin readers and manuals
199 Селиванов Сергей Андреевич Selivanov S. A. 1864–1908 historian, epigraphist, and archaeologist
200 Семёнов Анатолий Федорович Semenov A. F. 1863–not before1928 philologist, epigraphist, schoolmaster, literary historian
201 Семёнов-Тян Шанский Андрей Петрович Semenov-Tjan-Šanskij A. P. 1866–1942 studied natural sciences; devoted translator of Horace
202 Сибирский Александр Александрович Sibirsky A. A., prince 1824?–1879 nobleman; numismatist, archaeologist of the Black Sea region
203 Смирнов Яков Иванович Smirnov Ja. I. 1869–1918 studied Classics; student of archaeology and Classical art, collection keeper, on board of trustees of the Hermitage, e. g. on the night of October 25th, 1917
204 Соколов Иван Яковлевич Sokolov I. Ja. ca.1798– 1848 philologist, lecturer, and librarian
205 Соколов Петр Петрович Sokolov P. P. 1878–not before1932 philologist, schoolmaster
206 Соколов Федор Федорович Sokolow Th. Th. / Sokolov F. F. 1841–1909 studied history and Classics, historian, epigraphist, archaeologist, lecturer
207 Стасюлевич Михаил Матвеевич Stasjulevič M. M. 1826–1911 studied history; schoolmaster and lecturer, tutor to the royal family; publisher of thrift editions of Russian library, consistent Europeanist
208 Стефани Лудольф Эдуардович Stephani L. Ed. 1816–1887 studied Classics and archaeology in Leipzig; epigraphist, keeper of the Hermitage collections, art historian
209 Страхов Николай Николаевич Strachov N. N. 1828–1896 studied natural sciences; bibliophile, translator of neo-Kantian philosophy
210 Строганов Сергей Григорьевич, граф Stroganoff S. G., count 1794–1882 nobleman, conservative statesman; avid collector, trustee of the Archaeological Commission
211 Струве Федор Аристович Struve Jakob Theodor 1816–1885 Danish national; philologist, schoolmaster and lecturer, epigraphist, historian of art and literature
212 Тизенгаузен Владимир Густавович, барон Tiesenhausen Ernst Woldemar, Baron von 1825–1902 orientalist, numismatist, archaeologist, member of the Archaeological Commission
213 Толстой Дмитрий Андреевич, граф Tolstoy D. A., count 1823–1889 civil servant; conservative reformer of schooling in Russia along the lines of countrywide compulsory introduction of Classics
214 Толстой Иван Иванович-ст., граф Tolstoy / Tolstoi I. I., count 1858–1916 studied law; student of archaeology and numismatics, collector, civil servant
215 Тресс Карл Михайлович Tress Carl / Karl 1849?–1886 philologist; schoolmaster, student of Latin syntax
216 Турчинович Александр Адольфович Turčinovič A. A. 1870– winter 1941/1942 philologist; schoolmaster, author of schoolroom readers and commentaries
217 Уваров Алексей Сергеевич, граф Ouvaroff / Uvarov A. S., count 1825–1884 archaeologist, collector, president of the Archaeological Society in Moscow (MAO); son of S. S. Uvarov
218 Уваров Сергей Семенович, граф Ouvaroff / Uwarow / Uvarov S. S., count 1786–1855 nobleman, in diplomatic and civil service; correspondent of Goethe and W. von Humboldt, student of archaeology, pupil of Th. Graefe; private scholar, collector, bibliophile
219 Уварова Прасковья Сергеевна, графиня Ouvaroff / Uvarova P. S., countess 1840–1924 student of history and archaeology, collector, patron of the Archaeological Society in Moscow (MAO) after death of her husband A. S. Uvarov
220 Успенский Федор Иванович Ouspensky / Uspenskij Th. I. 1845–1928 historian of Byzantium, founder of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople (RAIK)
221 Фармаковский Борис Владимирович Farmakovskij B. V. 1870–1928 archaeologist; excavated in Olbia, ancient art historian, organiser within the system of archaeological research
222 Фармаковский Мстислав Владимирович Farmakovskij M. V. 1873–1946 archaeologist, artist, restorer of antiques
223 Фет Афанасий Афанасьевич Foeth / Fet A. 1820–1892 lyric poet and extensive translator of Roman poetry in Russian; as literary critic published on the role of classicism in secondary education
224 Фогель Андрей Магнусович Fogel’ / Vogel Andreas 1852–1897 philologist; schoolmaster across the country
225 Фок(к)ов Николай Федорович Fokkov N. F. 1839 (1838?)– 1902 philologist, translator; left commentaries on sundry ancient authors
226 Фохт Рихард Августович Voigt Iohann Richard Georg / Focht R. A. 1834–1914 philologist; classics schoolmaster in Annenschule and at Historic Philological Institute in Nezhin, Ukraine
227 Фрейтаг Федор Карлович Freytag Th. Fr. 1800–1859? philologist; lectured on Roman literature, librarian at the Hermitage
228 Фризендорф Эрнст Эдуардович Friesendorff Ernst Friedrich Eduard 1847–1934 philologist, pedagogue, principal of Petrischule
229 Хилинский Константин Владимирович / Викентьевич Chyliński Konstanty 1881–1939 historian of Greece, later in life active in Poland
230 Холодняк Иван Ильич Cholodniak I. I. 1857–1913 philologist; editor of Latin texts, incl. epigraphic, versatile translator of Latin prose
231 Холодняк Мария Александровна Cholodniak M. A. 1867–not before1928 philologist and schoolmistress, taught at Bestuzhev courses, her alma mater
232 Цветаев Иван Владимирович Zvetaieff / Zwetajew / Cvetaev I. V. 1847–1913 epigraphist and student of Oscan inscriptions; art expert, founder of the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow; father of Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva
233 Церетели Григорий Филимонович Zereteli / Cereteli G. F. 1870–not before March 1938 philologist, palaeographer, papyrologist, literary historian, translator from Greek and Latin
234 Цыбульский Степан Осипович Cybulski Stefan Sylweriusz 1858–1937 philologist, pedagogue; one of the editors of the journal Germes; compiler of visual tables on Classics for the schoolroom; left for Poland
235 Шад Герман Иванович Schad Hermann Friedrich Gustav 1801 or 1802– 1846 schoolmaster, compiler of Greek and Latin manuals; son of more famous G. Fichte follower
236 Шебор Осип Антонович Schebor / Šebor Joseph 1848–1928 philologist; schoolmaster and compiler of readers, with a penchant for textual criticism; ended his life in Czechoslovakia
237 Шлиман Генрих / Андрей Аристович / Эрастович Schliemann Heinrich 1822–1890 businessman, adventurer, polyglot; a self-taught scholar of immense energy, discoverer of Mycenaean culture; creator of his own life story, i. a. in Russia (1846–1866)
238 Шлиттер Эдуард Егорович Schlü(t)ter Christian Eduard 1800–1848 studied theology and philosophy, schoolmaster, and University lecturer
239 Шмид(т) Георг / Егор Карлович Schmid Georg Karl Richard 1836–1912 philologist, historian of education (incl. women’ education) and scholarship in Russia; published in German, Latin, and Russian
240 Шмит Федор Иванович Schmit Th. / Šmit F. I. 1877–1937 art historian, archaeologist, esp. of Byzantium; director of the Institute for History of Arts in the 1920ies
241 Шнейдер Василий Васильевич Schneider August Wilhelm 1793–1872 studied law, lectured in Roman law; Latin schoolmaster and principal
242 Шрамек Иван Федорович Šrámek Jan 1818–1884 philologist, author of textbooks
243 Штейнман Иван Богданович Steinmann Johannes Friedrich 1819–1872 schoolmaster and principal, historian of language, educationalist
244 Штёкгардт Роман Андреевич / Генрих Романович и др. Stöckhardt Heinrich Robert 1802–1848 German national; studied law, Latin schoolmaster, delivered Latin addresses on occasion
245 Щербина Николай Федорович Ščerbina N. F. 1821–1869 of Greek ancestry; Russian poet and patriot of Ancient Greece
246 Щукарёв Александр Николаевич Stschoukareff / Ščukarev A. N. 1861–1900 historian, epigraphist, archaeologist, art expert, member of the N. P. Kondakov circle
247 Эйхвальд Эдуард Иванович Eichwald Eduard von 1795–1876? studied natural sciences, palaeontologist, historian of Eurasian fauna incl. antiquity
248 Энман Александр Федорович Enmann Alexander 1856–1903 studied history in Dorpat; historian of texts (reconstructed an important source of SHA, hence Enmannsche Quelle); librarian at the Academy of Sciences in SPb
249 Янчевецкий Василий Григорьевич Jančeveckij V. G. 1874–1954 studied philology, schoolmaster, writer of historical novels, known to readership of the Soviet time as Vassily Jan
250 Яроцкий Василий Яковлевич Jarockij V. Ja. 1824–1897 philologist; lecturer in Classics and Slavic languages
Бузескул Владислав Петрович Busescul / Buzeskul V. P. 1858–1931 professor of ancient history at Charkow university; wrote massively on the history of classic scholarship in Russia and Europe