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Если кто возьмется перевести(мне самому лень):
- The history of the name and pronouncation:
When ZyXEL unveiled its first chip-design (ZyXEL was originally a modem-chip design company) back in the late 1980's, the company only had a chinese name (pronounced Her-Chin = "people work together very hard"). So it had to come up with an english name for a trade show in Asia. The original idea was ZyTEL ("Zy" means nothing, "TEL" for telecommunications). Problem was - someone allready had a name like that annouced for the show. So they played around with the letters and came up with ZyXEL instead.
The name doesnt actually mean anything, although some people claim "XEL" is a word-play on "excellence".
Next challenge was - of course - how to pronounce it (all they guys in the company were chinese at that time).
So the guys actually fed the name into an old speech synteziser (heard it was an Amiga). And this one pronounced it "Zai-Cell".
The rest is history....
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