Обсуждение:Реактивные формы азота
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--CopperKettle 04:51, 7 октября 2009 (UTC)The range of free radical reactions potentially involving NO is bewildering, leading most investigators to retreat into the relative safety of attributing the effects to terms such as "reactive nitrogen species" or more broadly "reactive nitrogen and oxygen species." But, with this comes a substantial cost in understanding the underlying mechanisms. Once significant amounts of peroxynitrite are produced in a cell, it will produce a shower of other reactive nitrogen species. Peroxynitrite is likely to be the major source of both nitrogen dioxide and possibly nitrite in vivo. When NO is produced more rapidly than superoxide, the excess NO will be consumed to produce a variety of nitroso species, which implies that a modest stimulation of superoxide formation will yield nitrosative rather than nitrative stress.