Обсуждение:Ломборг, Бьорн
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From Kåre Fog
правитьPlease allow a comment from me in English language (I can read Russian, but not write Russian): It concerns the last line in the paragraph criticism, in which the article refers to my web site www.Lomborg-errors.dk. The text says that Lomborg has elsewhere responded to the criticism of Lomborg-errors. That is not true. He has not answered the criticism. His alleged reply (`Godhedens Pris´) was written in 1999, whereas the Lomborg-errors webn site was established in 2004. See more details here: www.Lomborg-errors.dk/LomborgonLomborgerrors.htm
So the sentence that Lomborg has replied to the criticism elsewhere is not correct. I suggest therefore that your text is changed on this point. Kåre Fog (Denmark) 14:45, 24 апреля 2011 (UTC)
- Коллега Kåre Fog, у меня примерно такая же проблема с английским, как у вас — с русским. Я вижу на сайте Ломборга указанные мной отсылки, например здесь со ссылкой сюда. Pessimist 19:53, 24 апреля 2011 (UTC)
Pessimist, thank you for replying. Yes, I understand that the basis of your statement is the pdf-file `Godhedens Pris´, which is in Danish, which you of course cannot understand. However, when you scroll down and go from the front page of that pdf-file down to the next page, you will see that the date of publication is in May 1999. This is because it deals with the criticism of Lomborg´s first Danish book that he published in 1998. The first English book, `The skeptical Environmentalist´, was published several years later, in 2001. It is in many ways different from the first Danish book. The complaint that I sent to the Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty was sent in 2002, and that concerns the English book. The web site www.Lomborg-errors.dk was started in 2004.
ΔNow, it is of course not nice for Lomborg that somebody has pointed out a lot of errors in his books. Therefore he tries to make his readers believe that the criticism against him is not serious. So when people read Lomborg´s own web site, they are told that he has already answered the criticism from me. But, as you can see, this is a lie (po-russki: eto nepravda). Because, as you see, when you take a careful look, the so-called reply to my criticism was published in 1999, whereas my criticism was written in 2002 and 2004. So the postulate that Lomborg has responded to my criticism of his English books is NOT TRUE. 20:39, 26 апреля 2011 (UTC)
- Да, вы правы, ответы на критику действительно датируются до 2004 года. Pessimist 06:29, 27 апреля 2011 (UTC)
Thank you for correcting the text. 17:51, 28 апреля 2011 (UTC)