Исходный файл (SVG-файл, номинально 600 × 450 пкс, размер файла: 11 КБ)
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Краткое описание
ОписаниеWrc.svg |
English: calculated diagram of soil with model formula (van Genuchten, 1980)
Deutsch: Der Saugdruck von Sand, Schluff, Lehm und Ton. Neu berechnetes Diagramm verschiedener Bodenarten mit Modelldaten gemäß van Genuchten, 1980 |
Дата | |
Источник | Собственная работа |
Автор | FMoeckel, DufterKunde |
Права (Повторное использование этого файла) |
http://de.wiki.x.io/wiki/Datei:Wrc.svg |
Другие версии | Wrc.jpg |
Van Genuchten model of soil water retention ( – relative soil water content, – soil matric potential):
Soil | Soil | |||||
Ss | Sand | 0.043019 | 0.370687 | 0.087424 | 1.57535 | 0.36522 |
Uu | Silt | 0 | 0.421256 | 0.003405 | 1.34475 | 0.25637 |
Lu | Loam-Silt | 0 | 0.421217 | 0.013345 | 1.12614 | 0.11201 |
Tt | Clay | 0 | 0.550541 | 0.006812 | 1.08155 | 0.07540 |
GNU Octave source code
function van_genuchten()
%* Encdoing: UTF-8.
%* Written by DufterKunde
% https://de.wiki.x.io/wiki/Benutzer:DufterKunde
% to produce a corrected version of
% https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wrc.svg .
% It is supposed to be run in GNU octave 4.0,
% but it should also work with older versions of octave as well.
% Only minor changes are needed to make it run with Matlab.
%* The plot shows the matric potential Psi_m
% of different types of soil as a function of the
% relative soil water content theta.
% It is based on the equation and parameters from
% {{cite web
% | url=https://www.bgr.bund.de/DE/Themen/Boden/Netzwerke/Adhocag/Downloads/Ergaenzungsregel_1_18.pdf
% | title=Verknüpfungsregel 1.18 – Parameter für das Modell einer stetigen Funktion der θ(ψ)-Beziehung
% | accessdate=2015-07-29
% | author=Ad-hoc-AG Boden
% | coauthors=
% | date=2004-09-17
% | format=PDF, 242 KiB
% | publisher=Staatlichen Geologischen Dienste und BGR
% | language=German
% }}
% theta = theta_r + (theta_s - theta_r)/(1 + (alpha*(-psi))^n)^m
% with
% m = 1 - 1/n .
%* Ss = Sand, Uu = Silt, Lu = Loam-Silt, Tt = Clay.
%* Compliance of the output with the svg-standard validated by:
% https://validator.w3.org/
% and practical functionality tested with
% - Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu 40.0,
% - Chromium 43.0.2357.130 Ubuntu 15.04 (64-bit)
% - eog (“Eye of Gnome”) 3.14.4,
% - Inkscape 0.91 r13725, and
% - SVG Check: https://tools.wmflabs.org/svgcheck/ (rsvg 2.36.1).
% parameters:
pF = [ 0 6];
N = 10*diff(pF) + 1;
psi = -logspace(pF(1),pF(2),N);
x = [ 0 0.55];
y = pF;
X = [ 70 550 ];
Y = [390 30 ];
DY = diff(Y)/diff(y);
Tick = 8;
tick = 6;
lgnd_wdth = 95;
lgnd_hght = 120;
lgnd_strk = 35;
lgnd_pad = 4;
lgnd_Pad = 12;
today = clock();
% Sand:
theta_r_ss = 0.043019;
theta_s_ss = 0.370687;
alpha_ss = 0.087424;
n_ss = 1.57535;
theta_ss = theta_vg(psi, theta_r_ss, theta_s_ss, alpha_ss, n_ss);
% Silt:
theta_r_uu = 0;
theta_s_uu = 0.421256;
alpha_uu = 0.003405;
n_uu = 1.34475;
theta_uu = theta_vg(psi, theta_r_uu, theta_s_uu, alpha_uu, n_uu);
% Loam-Silt:
theta_r_lu = 0;
theta_s_lu = 0.421217;
alpha_lu = 0.013345;
n_lu = 1.12614;
theta_lu = theta_vg(psi, theta_r_lu, theta_s_lu, alpha_lu, n_lu);
% Clay:
theta_r_tt = 0;
theta_s_tt = 0.550541;
alpha_tt = 0.006812;
n_tt = 1.08155;
theta_tt = theta_vg(psi, theta_r_tt, theta_s_tt, alpha_tt, n_tt);
% generate svg-file:
fid = fopen ("Wrc.svg","w");
fprintf(fid,["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n", ...
"<svg\n", ...
"xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n", ...
"width=\"600\" height=\"450\"\n", ...
"\t<title>Water Retention Curves</title>\n"]);
"\t\t* This is a corrected version of\n",...
"\t\t https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wrc.svg\n",...
"\t\t generated by DufterKunde\n",...
"\t\t https://de.wiki.x.io/wiki/Benutzer:DufterKunde\n",...
"\t\t on %i-%02i-%02i.\n",...
"\t\t* The plot shows the matric potential Psi_m\n",...
"\t\t of different types of soil as a function of the\n",...
"\t\t relative soil water content theta.\n",...
"\t\t It is based on the equation and parameters from\n",...
"\t\t {{cite web\n",...
"\t\t | url=https://www.bgr.bund.de/DE/Themen/Boden/Netzwerke/Adhocag/Downloads/Ergaenzungsregel_1_18.pdf\n",...
"\t\t | title=Verknüpfungsregel 1.18 – Parameter für das Modell einer stetigen Funktion der θ(ψ)-Beziehung\n",...
"\t\t | accessdate=2015-07-29\n",...
"\t\t | author=Ad-hoc-AG Boden\n",...
"\t\t | coauthors=\n",...
"\t\t | date=2004-09-17\n",...
"\t\t | format=PDF, 242 KiB\n",...
"\t\t | publisher=Staatlichen Geologischen Dienste und BGR\n",...
"\t\t | language=German\n",...
"\t\t }}\n",...
"\t\t theta = theta_r + (theta_s - theta_r)/(1 + (alpha*(-psi))^n)^m\n",...
"\t\t with\n",...
"\t\t m = 1 - 1/n .\n",...
"\t\t* Ss = Sand, Uu = Silt, Lu = Loam-Silt, Tt = Clay.\n",...
"\t\t* This svg-file has been generated line-by-line\n",...
"\t\t by a GNU Octave function.\n",...
"\t\t* Compliance with the svg standard validated by:\n",...
"\t\t https://validator.w3.org/\n",...
"\t\t and practical functionality tested with\n",...
"\t\t - Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu 40.0,\n",...
"\t\t - Chromium 43.0.2357.130 Ubuntu 15.04 (64-bit)\n",...
"\t\t - eog (“Eye of Gnome”) 3.14.4,\n",...
"\t\t - Inkscape 0.91 r13725, and\n",...
"\t\t - SVG Check: https://tools.wmflabs.org/svgcheck/ (rsvg 2.36.1).\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t<g shape-rendering=\"geometricPrecision\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\">\n");
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- horizontal grid lines: -->\n");
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<g stroke=\"#c0c0c0\">\n");
for k = (pF(1) + 1) : (pF(2) - 1)
Y_grid = Y(1) + k * DY
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- actual graph data: -->\n");
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<g fill=\"none\" stroke-width=\"3\">\n");
write_svg_dat(fid,psi(1:end-10),theta_ss(1:end-10),x,y,X,Y,"0000ff","Ss = Sand");
write_svg_dat(fid,psi,theta_uu,x,y,X,Y,"ff0000","Uu = Silt");
write_svg_dat(fid,psi,theta_lu,x,y,X,Y,"00ff00","Lu = Loam-Silt");
write_svg_dat(fid,psi,theta_tt,x,y,X,Y,"b000b0","Tt = Clay");
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- ticks on x-axis: -->\n");
for k = [0.1 : 0.1 : 0.5]
X_grid = X(1) + k * diff(X)/diff(x)
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<polyline points=\"%5.2f,%i %5.2f,%i\"/>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<polyline points=\"%5.2f,%i %5.2f,%i\"/>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- major ticks on y-axis: -->\n");
for k = (pF(1) + 1) : (pF(2) - 1 )
Y_grid = Y(1) + k * DY;
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<polyline points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<polyline points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- minor log-ticks on left y-axis: -->\n");
for k = pF(1) : (pF(2) - 1)
for m = 2 : 9
y_grid = Y(1) + ( k + log10(m) ) * DY;
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<polyline points=\"%i,%5.2f %i,%5.2f\"/>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- legend: -->\n");
fprintf(fid,["\t\t<rect x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" width=\"%i\" " ,...
"height=\"%i\" stroke=\"black\" fill=\"white\"/>\n"],...
Y_lgnd = Y(2)+1.5*Tick + [0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5]/4*lgnd_hght
X_lgnd = [X(2)-lgnd_wdth-lgnd_pad X(2)-lgnd_wdth-lgnd_pad+lgnd_strk];
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<g fill=\"none\" stroke-width=\"3\">\n");
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline stroke=\"#0000ff\" points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline stroke=\"#ff0000\" points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline stroke=\"#00ff00\" points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline stroke=\"#b000b0\" points=\"%i,%i %i,%i\"/>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- axis-box: -->\n");
fprintf(fid,["\t\t<polygon points=\"%i,%i %i,%i %i,%i %i,%i\" ",...
"fill=\"none\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\"/>\n"],...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<!-- text: -->\n");
fprintf(fid,"\t\t<g stroke-width=\"0\" fill=\"black\" font-family=\"Helvetica\" font-size=\"24\">\n");
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<!-- x-axis annotation: -->\n");
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"middle\" font-style=\"italic\">θ</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"middle\">0</text>\n",...
for k = [0.1 : 0.1 : 0.5]
X_grid = X(1) + k * diff(X)/diff(x);
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"middle\">%3.1f</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<!-- y-axis annotation: -->\n");
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" transform=\"rotate(-90)\" text-anchor=\"end\">p</text>\n",...
-mean(Y)+ 7,593);
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" transform=\"rotate(-90)\" text-anchor=\"start\" font-style=\"italic\">F</text>\n",...
-mean(Y)+ 7,593);
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" transform=\"rotate(-90)\" text-anchor=\"end\" font-style=\"italic\">–ψ</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" transform=\"rotate(-90)\" text-anchor=\"start\" font-size=\"18\">m</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" transform=\"rotate(-90)\" text-anchor=\"start\">/ hPa</text>\n",...
-mean(Y) ,19);
for k = pF(1) : pF(2)
Y_grid = Y(1) + k * DY;
if ( k < 0 )
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"end\">–</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\">%i</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"end\">10</text>\n",...
if ( k >= 0 )
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\" font-size=\"18\">%i</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\" font-size=\"18\">–%i</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<!-- legend: -->\n");
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\">Ss</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\">Uu</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\">Lu</text>\n",...
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<text x=\"%i\" y=\"%i\" text-anchor=\"start\">Tt</text>\n",...
function theta = theta_vg(psi, theta_r, theta_s, alpha, n)
% van Genuchten equation
m = 1 - 1/n
theta = theta_r + (theta_s - theta_r)./(1 + (alpha*(-psi)).^n).^m;
function write_svg_dat(fid,psi,theta,x,y,X,Y,cl,name)
Y_dat = ( log10(-psi) - y(1) )*diff(Y)/diff(y) + Y(1);
X_dat = ( theta - x(1) )*diff(X)/diff(x) + X(1);
fprintf(fid,"\t\t\t<polyline stroke=\"#%s\" points=\"",cl);
for k = 1 : (length(psi) - 1)
fprintf(fid,"%4.2f,%i ",X_dat(k),Y_dat(k));
- ↑ Ad-hoc-AG Boden (2004-09-17). Verknüpfungsregel 1.18 – Parameter für das Modell einer stetigen Funktion der θ(ψ)-Beziehung (in German) (PDF, 242 KiB). Staatlichen Geologischen Dienste und BGR. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved on 2015-07-29.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |
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13 августа 2015
История файла
Нажмите на дату/время, чтобы посмотреть файл, который был загружен в тот момент.
Дата/время | Миниатюра | Размеры | Участник | Примечание | |
текущий | 13:18, 17 августа 2015 | 600 × 450 (11 КБ) | DufterKunde | Minor source code clean-up. | |
13:44, 14 августа 2015 | 600 × 450 (10 КБ) | DufterKunde | Restricted to a more realistic range of matric potential / pF-values. (Unfortunately, the original source does not mention in which intervals the model is valid.) | ||
15:17, 13 августа 2015 | 600 × 450 (14 КБ) | DufterKunde | The original file was based on a wrong equation due to a typo (see File talk:Wrc.svg#Plots seem to be based on wrong equation). This has been discussed with and confirmed by the original author User:FMoeckel~commonswiki via e-mail. The new SVG... | ||
05:22, 7 апреля 2011 | 512 × 405 (27 КБ) | Trex2001 | resized font | ||
11:41, 6 апреля 2011 | 512 × 404 (26 КБ) | Trex2001 | redone in SVG (was embedded bitmap before) | ||
11:25, 6 апреля 2011 | 512 × 724 (179 КБ) | Trex2001 | Reverted to version as of 16:07, 9 January 2010 | ||
11:16, 6 апреля 2011 | 512 × 378 (180 КБ) | Trex2001 | cropped | ||
16:07, 9 января 2010 | 512 × 724 (179 КБ) | FMoeckel~commonswiki | {{Information |Description={{en|1=calculated diagram of soil with model formula (van Genuchten, 1980) <ref>[www.bgr.de/saf_boden/adhocag/Ergaenzungsregel_1_18.pdf]</ref>}} {{de|1=neu berechnetes Diagramm verschiedener Bodenarten mit Modelldaten gemäß va |
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Краткое название | Water Retention Curves |
Название изображения | * This is a corrected version of
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wrc.svg generated by DufterKunde https://de.wiki.x.io/wiki/Benutzer:DufterKunde on 2015-08-17. * The plot shows the matric potential Psi_m of different types of soil as a function of the relative soil water content theta. It is based on the equation and parameters from Ad-hoc-AG Boden. Verknüpfungsregel 1.18 – Parameter für das Modell einer stetigen Funktion der θ(ψ)-Beziehung (нем.) (PDF, 242 KiB). Staatlichen Geologischen Dienste und BGR (17 сентября 2004). Дата обращения: 29 июля 2015. theta = theta_r + (theta_s - theta_r)/(1 + (alpha*(-psi))^n)^m with m = 1 - 1/n . * Ss = Sand, Uu = Silt, Lu = Loam-Silt, Tt = Clay. * This svg-file has been generated line-by-line by a GNU Octave function. * Compliance with the svg standard validated by: https://validator.w3.org/ and practical functionality tested with - Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu 40.0, - Chromium 43.0.2357.130 Ubuntu 15.04 (64-bit) - eog (“Eye of Gnome”) 3.14.4, - Inkscape 0.91 r13725, and - SVG Check: https://tools.wmflabs.org/svgcheck/ (rsvg 2.36.1). |
Ширина | 600 |
Высота | 450 |