Файл:Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay .jpg

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English: Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay

Identifier: historyofallnati18wrig (find matches)
Title: A history of all nations from the earliest times; being a universal historical library
Year: 1905 (1900s)
Authors: Wright, John Henry, 1852-1908
Subjects: World history
Publisher: (Philadelphia, New York : Lea Brothers & company
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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n Westminster Abl^ey, on June 28, 1838.Wagstall of the original painting by E. (. Iarris. THE VICTORIAN ACE. 271 make known to his fellow countrymen the classic poems of Germany,and John Stnart Mill continned the lahors of Adam Smith. The artof the poet was represented hy Tennyson. No field was more richlycultivated than roniance, in which not only men like Dickens, I.ul-wer, and Thackeray were spk^ndidly distin<,mishcd, hut women aksowere successful in their endeavors. To Victorias side the solicitude of lici- uncle, Leojjold of Belfriuni,had sent Stockmar, the ancient guardian oenins of the (oljurg family.
Text Appearing After Image:
Fig. 56.— Macaulay. Reduced laisiiiilt-of the cdpjiLi-plato onsrraviuf; by F. Knolle(1807-1877) ; original painting by E. H. Eddis. Lord Melbourne also, the premier of the \\hii;- ministry, was herfatherly counsellor; but that ministry rttired on M:\y •>, ls;Ji>. Peel,who was sunnnoned to form a new cabinet, insisted ujM>n the dis-missal of the two principal ladies of the (jueens ((»urt, because theybelonged to Whig families, and this led at once to the icturn ofthe dismissed ministers; for, young as tiie sovereign was. she con-tested with great energy tlie right of politics t<» jireseribe to her thefriends whom she should trust. For this the Tories took a revengethat was ignoble, but the more sensii)ly felt, wlien the lieart of the 272 ENGLAND AND THE ENTENTE CORDIALE. queen, iu accord with the wish of her uncle, chose her cousin PrinceAlbert of Saxe-Coburg (Fig. 57) for her consort. The wedding tookplace on February 10, 1840. Parliament reduced the yearly allow-anc

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  • bookid:historyofallnati18wrig
  • bookyear:1905
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Wright__John_Henry__1852_1908
  • booksubject:World_history
  • bookpublisher:_Philadelphia__New_York___Lea_Brothers___company
  • bookcontributor:University_of_California_Libraries
  • booksponsor:Internet_Archive
  • bookleafnumber:322
  • bookcollection:cdl
  • bookcollection:americana
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