Text Appearing Before Image: rritory (1837).The Seminoles were moved from Florida to theCreek lands in the Indian Territory (1842). Fourof the tribes moved reluctantly but peaceably totheir new homes. The Seminoles fought desper- 40 OKLAHOMA HISTORY ately against removal, but were finally overcomeafter seven years of fighting. The Chickasawswere given separate tribal government in 1855.The Seminoles were separated from the Creeksand given their own lands in 1856. Questions. Who were the Seminoles? Where wastheir eastern home? Who was their great leader?When were the Seminoles moved west ? What did theSeminole war cost the United States? Why did theSeminoles want to be separated from the Creeks?What lands were they given ? Why did the Chickasawswant a separate government from the Choctaws?Where was the eastern home of each of the tribes?The western home of each? When was each moved?Why? Written Work. Write a brief account of theSeminole war. Write a biography of Osceola. Writean account of the purchase of Florida. Text Appearing After Image: PERIOD OF CIVIL WAR IN INDIANTERRITORY LESSON 10 CIVILIZED TRIBES JOIN THE CONFEDERACY The misunderstanding between the North andthe South which led to the Civil War was a quarrelin which the Five Civilized Tribes were notdirectly interested, but they were soon drawn intoit. For several reasons their sympathies werewith the South. All of the tribes held slaves.By location they were a part of the ^^^^^^^^^South. They were bounded on the joining theeast and on the south and on the westby slave states. Many whites from the southernstates had intermarried with the Indians. Theyhad been associated more with southern people,and the civilized ways w^hich they had acquiredwere learned from southern people. WTien thewar began, the Federal troops were withdrawnfrom the Indian Territoiy, which may have caused 41 42 OKLAHOMA HISTORY the Indians to feel as if they had been abandonedby the Federal Government. The Indian agentswere mostly southern men, and the commissionersfrom the Confederacy, espe
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