Feature titled "The Sentimental Tale of a Dress" begins as follows: When Ruth Gordon Jones, of Wallaston, Massachusetts, was four and on her way to Sunday School one morning, dressed in her best dress (the white lawn with the drawn-work and the black velvet at the cuffs), her piano teacher stopped her and took her picture, on the front steps by the climbing nasturtiums. Someone saved the picture and here it is … with Miss Jones clutching her favorite novel, Little Miss Boston.
Self scan from Stage magazine from May 1938, Volume 15, Number 8 (page 33)
Stage Publishing Company, Inc.; photograph by Ruth Gordon Jones' piano teacher
Это произведение находится в общественном достоянии, поскольку оно было опубликовано в США между 1930 и 1963 годами и авторское право на него не было возобновлено, вне зависимости от того, присутствовало ли изначально или нет уведомление об авторских правах. Если автор не умер определённое количество лет назад, то это произведение защищено авторским правом в странах и на территориях, не применяющих правило более короткого срока для произведений из США, например, в Канаде (70 p.m.a.), Континентальном Китае (50 p.m.a., не в Гонконге и Макао), Германии (70 p.m.a.), Мексике (100 p.m.a.), Швейцарии (70 p.m.a.), а также других странах в соответствии с индивидуальными соглашениями. См. дополнительные пояснения на странице Commons:Hirtle chart.
Statement of copyright appears on page four: "Entire contents copyrighted 1938, by STAGE Publishing Company, Inc., 50 East 42nd Street, New York City." May issue was copyrighted in 1938 (page 236) by Stage Publishing Co., Inc.
A search has found no copyright renewal for Stage or Stage Publishing Company, or for the magazine's publisher John Hanrahan, in 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967. No evidence of copyright renewal for Stage magazine can be found.
January–June 1962 (1934 issues were originally copyrighted to John Hanrahan)
July–December 1962 (1934 issues were originally copyrighted to John Hanrahan)
John Hanrahan, a former magazine publisher and publishers' counsel, died Saturday in Sarasota, Fla. He was 76 years old.
Mr. Hanrahan, who had helped put the fledgling New Yorker magazine on a firm financial footing and who had been publisher and editor of the old Stage magazine, retired some 15 years ago. He was policy counsel to The New Yorker from 1923 to 1938.
In 1931 Mr. Hanrahan became the publisher of Stage magazine, originally the Theatre Guild magazine. In 1935 he broadened the scope of Stage to include motion pictures, supper clubs and other forms of entertainment. The magazine ceased publication in 1939.
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Photograph of Ruth Gordon at age four}} |Source =Self scan from ''Stage'' magazine from May 1938, Volume 15, Number 8 (page 33) |Author =Stage Publishing Company, Inc.; photograph...