Исходный файл (1342 × 647 пкс, размер файла: 112 КБ, MIME-тип: image/png)

Краткое описание

English: Spatial frequencies estimation (source code).
Русский: Оценка пространтвенных частот (исходный код).
Источник Собственная работа
Автор Kirlf
Это plot было создано с помощью Matplotlib
Исходный код

Python code

Developed by Vladimir Fadeev
Kazan, 2017 / 2020
Python 3.7
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Received signal model:
X = A*S + W

A = [a(theta_1) a(theta_2) ... a(theta_d)] 
is the matrix of steering vectors 
(dimension is M x d, 

M is the number of sensors, 

d is the number of signal sources),

A steering vector represents the set of phase delays 
a plane wave experiences, evaluated at a set of array elements (antennas). 

The phases are specified with respect to an arbitrary origin.
theta is Direction of Arrival (DoA), 

S = 1/sqrt(2) * (X + iY)
is the transmit (modulation) symbols matrix 
(dimension is d x T, 

T is the number of snapshots)
(X + iY) is the complex values of the signal envelope,

W = sqrt(N0/2)*(G1 + jG2)
is additive noise matrix (AWGN)
(dimension is M x T),

N0 is the noise spectral density,

G1 and G2 are the random Gaussian distributed values.

M = 10 # number of sensors 
SNR = 10 # Signal-to-Noise ratio (dB) 
d = 3 # number sources of EM waves
N = 50 # number of snapshots

""" Signal matrix """

S = ( np.sign(np.random.randn(d,N)) + 1j * np.sign(np.random.randn(d,N)) ) / np.sqrt(2) # QPSK

""" Noise matrix 

Common formula:
AWGN = sqrt(N0/2)*(G1 + jG2), 

where G1 and G2 - independent Gaussian processes.
Since Es(symbol energy) for QPSK is 1 W, noise spectral density: 
N0 = (Es/N)^(-1) = SNR^(-1) [W] (let SNR = Es/N0); 

or in logarithmic scale::
SNR_dB = 10log10(SNR) -> N0_dB = -10log10(SNR) = -SNR_dB [dB]; 

We have SNR in logarithmic (in dBs), convert to linear:

SNR = 10^(SNR_dB/10) -> sqrt(N0) = (10^(-SNR_dB/10))^(1/2) = 10^(-SNR_dB/20) 

W = ( np.random.randn(M,N) + 1j * np.random.randn(M,N) ) / np.sqrt(2) * 10**(-SNR/20) # AWGN

mu_R = 2*np.pi / M  # standard beam width

resolution_cases = ((-1., 0, 1.), (-0.5, 0, 0.5), (-0.3, 0, 0.3)) # resolutions 
for idxm, c in enumerate(resolution_cases):

    """ DoA (spatial frequencies) """
    mu_1 = c[0]*mu_R
    mu_2 = c[1]*mu_R
    mu_3 = c[2]*mu_R

    """ Steering vectors """
    a_1 = np.exp(1j*mu_1*np.arange(M))
    a_2 = np.exp(1j*mu_2*np.arange(M))
    a_3 = np.exp(1j*mu_3*np.arange(M))

    A = (np.array([a_1, a_2, a_3])).T # steering matrix 
    """ Received signal """
    X = np.dot(A,S) + W 

    """ Rxx """
    R = np.dot(X,np.matrix(X).H)

    U, Sigma, Vh = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=True)
    U_0 = U[:,d:] # noise sub-space

    thetas = np.arange(-90,91)*(np.pi/180) # azimuths
    mus = np.pi*np.sin(thetas) # spatial frequencies
    a = np.empty((M, len(thetas)), dtype = complex)
    for idx, mu in enumerate(mus):
        a[:,idx] = np.exp(1j*mu*np.arange(M))

    # MVDR:
    S_MVDR = np.empty(len(thetas), dtype = complex)
    for idx in range(np.shape(a)[1]):
        a_idx =  (a[:, idx]).reshape((M, 1))
        S_MVDR[idx] = 1 / (np.dot(np.matrix(a_idx).H, np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(R),a_idx)))

    # MUSIC:
    S_MUSIC = np.empty(len(thetas), dtype = complex)
    for idx in range(np.shape(a)[1]):
        a_idx =  (a[:, idx]).reshape((M, 1))
        S_MUSIC[idx] = np.dot(np.matrix(a_idx).H,a_idx)\
        / (np.dot(np.matrix(a_idx).H, np.dot(U_0,np.dot(np.matrix(U_0).H,a_idx))))

    plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5), dpi=150)
    plt.semilogy(thetas*(180/np.pi), np.real( (S_MVDR / max(S_MVDR))), color='green', label='MVDR')
    plt.semilogy(thetas*(180/np.pi), np.real((S_MUSIC/ max(S_MUSIC))), color='red', label='MUSIC')
    plt.grid(color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.2)
    plt.xlabel('Azimuth angles (degrees)')
    plt.ylabel('Power (pseudo)spectrum (normalized)')
    plt.title('Case #'+str(idxm+1))

""" References
1. Haykin, Simon, and KJ Ray Liu. Handbook on array processing and sensor networks. Vol. 63. John Wiley & Sons, 2010. pp. 102-107
2. Hayes M. H. Statistical digital signal processing and modeling. – John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
3. Haykin, Simon S. Adaptive filter theory. Pearson Education India, 2008. pp. 422-427
4. Richmond, Christ D. "Capon algorithm mean-squared error threshold SNR prediction and probability of resolution." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53.8 (2005): 2748-2764.
5. S. K. P. Gupta, MUSIC and improved MUSIC algorithm to esimate dorection of arrival, IEEE, 2015.


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Краткие подписи

Оценка частот на основе алгоритмов MUSIC и MVDR.

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