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Model of part the Theatre of Pompei on the Campus Martius in ancient Rome, Italy.

This picutre is edited from Image:Campus Martius.jpg

Image found on http://www.theaterofpompey.com/auditorium/imagines/postantique/model_candt.shtml And declared to be in the Public Domain by the owner of the website, see this remark:

The Theatrum Pompei Project does NOT claim ownership of any image which appears on this site, including all of our own original art, images, and photos as well as our personal scans of public domain material. All original images and scans which have been posted on this site are declared to be in the public domain. We are updating such images to display with an alt text of TPP PDD—Theatrum Pompei Project Public Domain Document—as an indicator. It is our desire to share freely this type of visual information instead of coveting our own reproductions of artefacts which are likely a couple of thousand years old. http://www.theaterofpompey.com/auditorium/imagines/index.shtml

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текущий18:57, 9 октября 2007Миниатюра для версии от 18:57, 9 октября 2007901 × 466 (101 КБ)JorisModel of part the Theatre of Pompei on the Campus Martius in ancient Rome, Italy. This picutre is edited from Image:Campus Martius.jpg Image found on http://www.theaterofpompey.com/auditorium/imagines/postantique/model_candt.shtml And declared to b

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