Title: Breeder and sportsman
Identifier: breedersportsma421903sanf (find matches)
Year: 1882 (1880s)
Subjects: Horses
Publisher: San Francisco, Calif. : (s. n. )
Contributing Library: San Francisco Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: California State Library Califa/LSTA Grant
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22 ®h£ gvcebev cm& ^povt&txtan (January 10, 1903 Hunt and Fish ALONG THB LINE OF THE California & Sortliwestern Ry (LESSEE OF THE S. F. * N. P. K. K.) Best Hunting and Fishing in the State Numerous and Popular Resorts Hot and Cold Mineral Springs HEALTH PLEASURE RECREATION Floe Camping Grounds on Beautiful Streams Best Section In California for Fruit and Breeding Farms The route to San Rafael, Petaluma, Santa Rosa Uklah, and the Famous Pleasure and Health Resorts in Lake County. Saturday to Monday round-trip ticke's at reduced rates. Ticket Officesâ650 Market Street, Chronicle Building, and Tiburon Ferry. K. X. RYAN, Gen. Pass. Agt. PRESIDING RACE JUDGE OF BnnDinc and Troltine Bvonts Thorough Student of Form Open to Engagement for 1903. Best of References Address G. W. STIMPSON, STOCKTON, CAL. FOR SALE. Three Standard-Bred Trotting Stallions WILKES STOCK. One Seal Brown, 16 hands, foaled May 2. 1898; first dam Fearless by Fallis 4781 (record2:23); second dam Jean Perault by Signal 3357. One Golden Bay, 161 bands, foaled March 5, 1898; first dam Signal by Del Sur 1098 (record 2:24). dam of Guy Sino 229U; second dam Lady Sig- nal by Signal 3327. One Brown, white points, 16 1 hands, foaled April, 1898; full brother to the bay. These colts are all sired by Prince Airlee 28045, son of Guy Wilkes 2807 (record 2: isj-j), and bred by Wm Corbitt. San Mateo. Cal. Thoy are pure gaited and .show wonderful speed for the little work they have done. For further particulars apply to P. H. McEVOY, Menlo Park, Cal. FOR SALE. Two Fine Mill Stallions FRESNO, gray horse, weighs 2100. six years old, Norman Percheron, winner of three first prizes. PLUTO, black horse, five years old, Norman Peroheron, winner of four first prizes. These horses are sound, in good condition and euro foal getters. Apply to GEO. GRAY, HaywardB, Cal. Speed and Style For Sale. \ N IDEAL GENTLEMAN'S DRIVING MARE â **â by Director, dam by Dexter Prince. Thor- oughly well broken, sound and reliable. Price (250. Address G. H., this office. TMk In a rare chance. FOR SALE. rpHREE McKlNNEY FILLIES, ONE MOKIN â *- ney goldlng and one Diablo gliding, 4 to 7 years old; all speedy. For particulars call or address WM. HAMILTON, in rear of 1311 Frank- lin street, Oakland. LEWIS A. DOUGHERTY Hay, Grain and Commission. Special Attention to Foreign Shipping-. Room 7. wakbhouse: 5(03 Berry Bt SAN FRANCISCO, Telephone: Main 1087. CAL. CALIFORNIA WE SELL HORSES BY AUCTION IN A FIRE-PROOF PAVILION Either by Electric Light at night, or by daylight. 75 BOX STALLS for the accommodation of horses. AT THE OLD STAND 1732 MARKET STREET, the Best Location in the City. We refer to any for whom we have sold in the past, and would like to correspond with you in regard to selling your horses in the future. Our terms are reasonable. We don't want it all. FRED H. CHASE & CO. (SUCCESSORS TO KILLIP Jc CO ) LIVE STOCK 1732 MARKET STREET, AUCTIONEERS. SAN FRANCISCO. 44^j$V* '-TRADEMARK- ^S^-fc SPAVIN CURE. Any of the Testimonials we publish can be verified by writing to the parties signing them. South Amboy, N. J. Gentlemen:âMy experience with "Save-the- Horse" has been as follows: My horse, when young, would rear on his hind legs and produced a curb, which later developed so that after driving a mile or two he would become so lame I could hardly get home. I was recommended to use â 'Save-the-Horse" instead of blistering and after a few weeks' use, and since, the horse has never taken a lame step and I have driven him as far as forty miles in a day. To a man who has a valu- able horse $50 would be a small price to pay for this remede to produce a cure in such a case. I used not over three-quarters of a bottle. Very truly, Dr L. F. Menizer. New York, N. Y. Gentlemen:âMy black mare (Candy 2:10) has a bunch on her forward ankle, o' three years' stand- ing, and was lame during that time to such an ex- tent that I turned her out to pasture. I used "Save-the-Horse" and treated her for about six weeks. Your remedy has done all that you claim for it. The mare is perfectly sound and moves about without any appearance of lameness Ernst Plath, 57 E 3rd St, Real Estate & Insurance. Pleasant City, Ohio Gentlemen:âPlease find enclosed check for $5, for which kindly send us one bottle of "Save-the- Horse." We think this the greatest remedy for all lameness we ever struck and we would like to have the agency for "Save-the-Horse." ARCHER & MCCLEARY, Art Studio Photo Engraving Company HIGH CLASS ART IN Tone* and Li7ic En graving Artistic Designing. 0(1 Mission St., cor . First, Ban Francisco Horse can be worked with either shin or ankle boots, as no harm can possibly come by either destruction of hair or scalding of the limb. "Save-the-Horse" can be applied in all conditions and extremes of weatherâhot or cold. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ POSITIVELY AND PERMANENTLY CURES Bone and Bog Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Thor- oughpin, Splint, Capped Hock. Shoe Boil, Wind Puff, Weak and Sprained Tendons and all Lameness. Contains no arsenic, corrosive sublimate or other forms of mercury, or any injurious ingredient. Work horse continuously, if desired. Cures without scar, blemish or loss of hair. $fi OH npr RnHlp Written guarantee with every bottle, constructed to convince and protect yjo.vu yci lju I lie, vou fUny. The need of second bottle Is almost improbable except in rarest cases. Gua antee covers effectiveness of one bottle. Copy of guarantee sent upon application. $5 a bottle at all dealers' and druggists', or sent prepaid by the manufacturers. TROY CHEMICAL CO., Troy, N. Y., Manufacturers. D. E, NEWELL, 519 Mission St., San Francisco, Pacific Coast Agent. â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢ â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢ â¢â¢â¢â¢â¢ EMPIRE The PERFECT Bulk Smokeless. â¢â¢â¢â¢ â¢â¢â¢â¢ â¢â¢â¢â¢ â¢â¢â¢â¢ Can now be supplied in bulk or loaded shells by the leading cartridge companies, gun, and ammunition dealers, or the sole agents: 75 CHAMBERS ST,, NEW YORK CITY Telephone 1747 Franklin. J. H. LAU & CO. Importers and Dealers In Fire Arms, Ammunition and Fencing: Goods. Sole Agents for BALLISTITE (Dense) and EMPIRE (Bulk) Smokeless Powders BALLISTITE The Standard Dense Powder of the World. Still Leads at the Traps or in the Field. Take No One's WordâTry Them for Yourself. A postal brings ;i Shooting Facts." (Third Edition)
Text Appearing After Image:
CURBS, SPLINTS, SPAVINS, WINDPUFFS, âand all enlargements, absolutely removed byâ QUINN'S Ointment. It fias the unqualified endorsement of our lead" ing horsemen and veterinarians.
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