ОписаниеBirdseye View of Baalbek and the Lebanons.jpg
Image Title: Birdseye View of Baalbek and the Lebanons
Image Description from historic lecture booklet: "The Lebanon Mountains, 15 to 20 miles away, reach an altitude of 10,000 feel, and late in the summer, snow may be seen in several places. Around the walls on all sides are sparkling waters, flower gardens, and the rustling leaves of many graceful trees.
Baalbek is the Heliopolis of Greek and Roman authors, but we possess no written record regarding the city earlier than the third or fourth century of our era. It was formerly on of the most famous and important cities of Syria, and contained many palaces and monument. In 636 A.D. Baalbek fell into the hands of the Mohammedans, and in 748 A.D. was sacked by the Kalif of Damascus. The site is now occupied by a modern village and ruins of the ancient temple. The main attractions of Baalbek are these wonderful ruins, which surpass even those of Greece and Rome in the vastness of its temples. If one may judge from the crumbling ruins, no other structure so exquisitely beautiful ever enchanted the human eye."
Original Format: Lantern slides
Original Collection: Visual Instruction Department Lantern Slides
Item Number: P217:set 010 047
Restrictions: Permission to use must be obtained from the OSU Archives.
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description=Image Title: Birdseye View of Baalbek and the Lebanons Image Description from historic lecture booklet: "The Lebanon Mountains, 15 to 20 miles away, reach an altitude of 10,000 feel, and late in the s...
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