English: This oblique view of the Moon was taken during the Apollo 15 mission. At the center is the Hecataeus crater, with Humboldt to the lower left and the smaller Phillips crater near the limb at bottom center. Note the dark patches on the interior floor of Humboldt. A portion of the Apollo spacecraft is visible along the center right edge of the image.
This image was taken during the Apollo 15 mapping metric on revolution 71 from an altitude of 115 km. The selenographic coordinates of the image are 21.5° S, 79.5° E. The picture was reduced in size to 25%, cropped slightly, then rotated 90° counter-clockwise so that north is to the top.
На веб-сайте NASA размещено большое число изображений Советского/Российского космического агентства и других неамериканских космических агентств. Они вовсе не обязательно находятся в общественном достоянии.
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This is a virtual print of Apollo Photograph AS15-M-2514 generated by the School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University. Usage of this image is governed by the Acceptable Use Policy, which can be accessed at http://apollo.sese.asu.edu/ABOUT_SCANS/index.html